
stint 1

S0763100 (stĭnt)v. stint·ed, stint·ing, stints v.intr.1. To be frugal or economical in providing something; hold back: The host did not stint on the wine. He does not stint when providing advice.2. Archaic To stop or a. To restrict (someone) in what is provided or allowed: "found his living so expensive that he had to stint his family" (William Marvel).b. To restrict (something supplied); be sparing with.2. Archaic To cause to stop.n.1. A length of time spent in a particular way, especially doing a job or fulfilling a duty: a two-year stint in the military.2. A limitation or restriction: working without stint.
[Middle English stinten, to cease, from Old English styntan, to blunt.]
stint′er n.stint′ing·ly adv.

stint 2

S0763100 (stĭnt)n. Any of several small sandpipers of the genus Calidris, primarily of the Eastern Hemisphere.
[Middle English stint, from Old English.]


(ˈstɪntɪŋlɪ) advin a stinting or sparing manner