show (one) the door

show (one) the door

1. To accompany one to the exit from a room or building. (Sometimes seen as "show (one) to the door.") Thank you so much for coming in for the interview. John, would you please show Mr. Porter the door?2. To escort or forcibly remove one from a building, typically due to some violation of the rules. Sir, if you don't calm down, I'm afraid I'll have to show you to the door.3. By extension, to fire one from a job. I'll let you off with a warning this once, but if you ever show up to work smelling of alcohol again, I'll show you the door so fast it will make your head spin.See also: door, show

show someone (to) the door

 and see someone to the doorto lead or take someone to the door or exit. After we finished our talk, she showed me to the door. Bill and I finished our chat as he saw me to the door.See also: door, show

show someone the door

Order someone to leave, as in I never should have listened to him; I should have shown him the door at once. This expression, first recorded in 1778, is not the same as show someone to the door (see under show someone out). See also: door, show, someone

show someone the door

dismiss or eject someone unceremoniously from a place or from your presence. 1991 Michael Curtin The Plastic Tomato Cutter Mr Yendall , would you credit I had applicants who scorned the wages? I showed them the door. See also: door, show, someone

show somebody the ˈdoor

(informal) tell somebody to leave because of an argument or bad behaviour: If she spoke to me like that, I’d show her the door!See also: door, show, somebody

show (someone) the door

Informal 1. To eject (someone) from the premises.2. To terminate the employment of; fire.See also: door, show