(thərăm`ənēz), c.455–404? B.C., Athenian statesman. He helped to establish (411 B.C.) the oligarchical Four Hundred but was later active in overthrowing them. He fought in the Peloponnesian War, notably in the battle of Cyzicus (now in Turkey) and in the capture of Byzantium. Sent (404) to negotiate peace with Sparta, he was accused of treachery because of his deliberate waste of three months in discussion while Athens was under siege. He was elected one of the Thirty TyrantsThirty Tyrants,oligarchy of ancient Athens (404–403 B.C.). It was created by Lysander under Spartan auspices after the Peloponnesian War. Critias and Theramenes were prominent members. It was overthrown at Piraeus (now Piraiévs) by Thrasybulus.
..... Click the link for more information. . CritiasCritias
, c.460–403 B.C., Athenian political leader and writer. A relative of Plato, he was an aristocrat and had early training in philosophy with Socrates and wrote poems and tragedies.
..... Click the link for more information. denounced him and caused him to be put to death.
Born circa 455 B.C.; died 404 B.C. Athenian political figure.
In 411 B.C., Theramenes helped organize the coup that led to the establishment of the oligarchic regime of the Four Hundred. Representing the moderates, he subsequently led the overthrow of the Four Hundred and helped engineer the transfer of power to the Five Thousand, a popular assembly comprising those Athenians who met a property qualification. After the restoration of the democracy in 410, Theramenes remained an influential figure in the government. He was elected to the oligarchic body known as the Thirty Tyrants after Athens’ defeat in the Peloponnesian War (431–404 B.C.). Theramenes was executed for his criticism of the bloody regime of Critias.