Via Mala

Via Mala

(vē`ä mä`lä), narrow gorge of the Hinterrhein River, a headstream of the Rhine, c.3 1-2 mi (6 km) long, Grisons canton, E Switzerland. One of the most wild and picturesque gorges in Switzerland, it is walled by vertical limestone cliffs c.1,600 ft (490 m) high. The Splügen Road (see SplügenSplügen
, Ital. Spluga, pass, in the Rhaetian Alps, 6,946 ft (2,117 m) high, between Splügen, SE Switzerland, and Chiavenna, N Italy. Frequented since Roman times, it is crossed by the Splügen Road (built 1819–21), which passes above the Via Mala.
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) passes above the gorge.