Acronym | Definition |
TDS➣Total Dissolved Solids |
TDS➣Technical Data Sheet |
TDS➣Tax Deducted at Source |
TDS➣The Dark Side |
TDS➣The Daily Show |
TDS➣Trump Derangement Syndrome |
TDS➣Teens in the Driver Seat (safety program) |
TDS➣Tedious (internet slang) |
TDS➣Tenancy Deposit Scheme (UK) |
TDS➣Tokyo Disney Sea (amusement park) |
TDS➣The Dispute Service (est. 2003; tenant disputes; UK) |
TDS➣Tabular Data Stream |
TDS➣Technical Diagnostic Services (Fort Worth, TX) |
TDS➣Technology Development Strategy (US DoD Joint Capabilities Integration Development System) |
TDS➣Tripod Data Systems |
TDS➣Total Debt Service (Ratio) |
TDS➣Top Drive System (petroleum industry) |
TDS➣Time Data Security (various locations) |
TDS➣Turbo Debugger Symbol |
TDS➣Tagged Delimited String |
TDS➣Turbo Diesel Super |
TDS➣Technical Data Server |
TDS➣Transactional Data Solutions |
TDS➣Tivoli Directory Server |
TDS➣Tivoli Decision Support |
TDS➣Thermal Desorption System (scientific equipment) |
TDS➣The Downward Spiral (Nine Inch Nails album) |
TDS➣Telephone & Data Systems, Inc. |
TDS➣Total Dissolved Salts |
TDS➣The Daydream Sound |
TDS➣Transfer Disclosure Statement (Real Estate) |
TDS➣Trojan Defence Suite (software) |
TDS➣Temporary Data Storage |
TDS➣Tag Data Standard |
TDS➣Texas Disposal Systems |
TDS➣Thief: Deadly Shadows (video game) |
TDS➣Time-Domain Spectroscopy |
TDS➣Trial Defense Service |
TDS➣Transdermal System |
TDS➣Tie Down System (device) |
TDS➣Travel Distribution Services |
TDS➣Total Diet Survey (US FDA) |
TDS➣Tactical Data System |
TDS➣The Drawing Studio (Arizona) |
TDS➣Technical Development Services (various organizations) |
TDS➣Top-Down Solutions (car parts) |
TDS➣Teatro Del Sole (Italian: Theatre Of The Sun) |
TDS➣Technical Documentation System (software) |
TDS➣The Distribution Solution (UK) |
TDS➣Telephone Directory Service (Australia) |
TDS➣Time Delay Spectrometry |
TDS➣Tomsoft Diary System (software) |
TDS➣Torque Data System (software) |
TDS➣Time Date Stamp |
TDS➣Time, Distance and Shielding (radiation exposure) |
TDS➣Top-Down Shooter (gaming) |
TDS➣Tetris DS (game) |
TDS➣Temasek Design School (Singapore) |
TDS➣Tuchenhagen Dairy Systems (various locations) |
TDS➣Target Development System |
TDS➣Toyota Driving School (Japan) |
TDS➣Transcript Delivery System |
TDS➣Time Division Switching |
TDS➣Toronto Daily Star (Canada) |
TDS➣Transputer Development System |
TDS➣Talley Defense Systems |
TDS➣Transactions on Database Systems |
TDS➣Thermal Desorption Spectrometry |
TDS➣The Democratic Strategist |
TDS➣Thiamine Disulfide |
TDS➣Tokyo Designers Space (Japan) |
TDS➣Training and Development Solutions |
TDS➣Tonga Defense Services |
TDS➣Terrestrial Digital Service |
TDS➣Turmdeckelschnecken |
TDS➣Tactical Defense Systems |
TDS➣Time Distribution System |
TDS➣Target Designation System |
TDS➣Thompson Dorfman Sweatman |
TDS➣Total Drug Spend (Medicare) |
TDS➣Toutes Des Salopes (gaming clan) |
TDS➣Trace-Driven Simulation |
TDS➣Time Delay Switch |
TDS➣Transit Delay Selection |
TDS➣Test Development Series |
TDS➣Total Distribution System |
TDS➣Tactical Display System |
TDS➣Ter Die Sumendum (to be taken 3 times a day; prescription marking) |
TDS➣Tubular Data Stream |
TDS➣Teraherz Time Domain Spectroscopy |
TDS➣Tool and Die Systems (TDS Automation, Inc.) |
TDS➣Training Development Study |
TDS➣Temporary Duty Station |
TDS➣Tactical Data Station |
TDS➣Tridion Dialogserver |
TDS➣Telephone and Data Service |
TDS➣Temperature, Depth, Salinity |
TDS➣Telemetry Data Store |
TDS➣Telecommunications & Data Systems |
TDS➣Tagged Delimited String Format (IBM Websphere MQSeries SW) |
TDS➣ThrowDown Sports (forum) |
TDS➣Training Decision System |
TDS➣Technology Development Section |
TDS➣Time Delay Setting (electromechanical product feature) |
TDS➣Tactical Digital System |
TDS➣Trillium Digital Systems, Inc. (an Intel company) |
TDS➣Terminal Display System |
TDS➣TRADOC Documentation System |
TDS➣Terrestrial Data Service (WorldCom) |
TDS➣Temperature-Determined Sex |
TDS➣Training Device System |
TDS➣Team Death Strike (gaming) |
TDS➣Tactical Development Study |
TDS➣Training Development Service |
TDS➣Training Development Section |
TDS➣Test Description Sheet |
TDS➣Transfer and Display Software |
TDS➣Transient Diffusion-Sublimination |
TDS➣Time Demand Satisfied (real-time scheduling) |
TDS➣Technical Documentation Set |
TDS➣Tape Duplication System |
TDS➣Technology Direction Statement (Sprint) |
TDS➣Traffic Data Studies System (Sprint) |
TDS➣Temporal Data System |
TDS➣Travel Design Studio (travel agent; Bergamo, Italy) |
TDS➣Test and Diagnostic Service |
TDS➣Total Distance Separation |
TDS➣Technique Développement Services (French: Technical Development Services; France) |