TNRTrap-Neuter-Return (controlling feral cats)
TNRThe New Republic
TNRTimes New Roman (font)
TNRTransportation and Natural Resources (Texas)
TNRThe Natural Resource
TNRThe Next Revolution
TNRTrue Negative Rate (statistics)
TNRAntananarivo, Madagascar - Ivato (Airport Code)
TNRTonic Neck Reflex
TNRThe Ninja's Return (gaming)
TNRThe Ninja-RPG (online game)
TNRTerabit Network Router (Pluris)
TNRTransmit Not Ready
TNRTitulaire Non Résident (French: Non-Resident Holder)
TNRThermonuclear Reaction
TNRThermal Neutron Radiography
TNRTemperature of No Return
TNRThreshold-to-Noise Ratio
TNRTransmitted Noise Reduction
TNRTerminal Network Replacement
TNRTrinuclear Repeat