Bern International Women's Socialist Conference of 1915, March 26–28
Bern International Women’s Socialist Conference of 1915, March 26–28
held in Bern, Switzerland; called on the initiative of the women’s organizations functioning under the Central Committee of the RSDLP. There were 25 delegates in attendance, representatives of social democratic women’s organizations in Great Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, France, and Switzerland. K. Zetkin participated in the convening of the conference and in its deliberations, and the delegation from the RSDLP Central Committee included N. K. Krupskaia and I. F. Armand. The delegation from the RSDLP Central Committee, which held a consistently internationalist position, proposed a draft resolution calling for the organization of struggle against the imperialist war and for turning it into a civil war and for full organizational differentiation from social chauvinism. However, because the majority at the conference consisted of wavering centrist elements, the draft resolution was not adopted. The conference adopted a pacifist resolution which condemned the imperialist war but did not specify any concrete measures for combating the war and basically avoided any break with social chauvinism.