Sawtooth National Forest

Sawtooth National Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / National ForestsAddress:2647 Kimberly Rd E
Twin Falls, ID 83301

Size: 2,100,000 acres.
Location:South-central Idaho and northern Utah. Accessible by US 84, 75, and 21. Nearby cities/towns include Burley and Twin Falls.
Facilities:Visitor center, 50+ campgrounds, 12 group camps, picnic sites, boat ramps, trails, ski resort (concession operated), 4 winter sports areas, scenic drives, wildlife viewing sites with scopes.
Activities:Camping, hunting, fishing, boating, canoeing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, cross-country and downhill skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Four mountain ranges; headwaters of five major rivers; 967 miles of streams; more than 1,000 lakes; 756,000-acre Sawtooth National Recreation Area. The forest's 217,000-acre Sawtooth Wilderness contains more than 50 major peaks over 10,000 feet and more than 300 lakes.

See other parks in Idaho.