

单词 transform



T0317500 (trăns-fôrm′)v. trans·formed, trans·form·ing, trans·forms v.tr.1. To change markedly the appearance or form of: "A thick, fibrous fog had transformed the trees into ghosts and the streetlights into soft, haloed moons" (David Michael Kaplan).2. To change the nature, function, or condition of; convert: A steam engine transforms heat into mechanical energy. See Synonyms at convert.3. Mathematics To subject to a transformation.4. Electricity To subject to the action of a transformer.5. Genetics To subject (a cell) to transformation.v.intr. To undergo a transformation.n. (trăns′fôrm′) The result, especially a mathematical quantity or linguistic construction, of a transformation.
[Middle English transformen, from Old French transformer, from Latin trānsfōrmāre : trāns-, trans- + fōrma, form.]
trans·form′a·ble adj.


vb 1. to alter or be altered radically in form, function, etc 2. (General Physics) (tr) to convert (one form of energy) to another form 3. (Mathematics) (tr) maths to change the form of (an equation, expression, etc) by a mathematical transformation 4. (Electronics) (tr) to increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage) using a transformer n (Mathematics) maths the result of a mathematical transformation, esp (of a matrix or an element of a group) another related to the given one by B=X–1AX for some appropriate X [C14: from Latin transformāre, from trans- + formāre to form] transˈformable adj transˈformative adj


(v. trænsˈfɔrm; n. ˈtræns fɔrm)

v.t. 1. to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose. 2. to change in condition, nature, or character; convert. 3. to change into another substance. 4. to alter (voltage and current) by means of an electrical transformer. 5. Math. to change the form of (a figure, expression, etc.) without in general changing the value. v.i. 6. to undergo a change in form, appearance, or character. n. 7. a. a mathematical quantity obtained from a given quantity by an algebraic, geometric, or functional transformation. b. the transformation itself. 8. Logic. transformation (def. 4). 9. a linguistic structure derived by a transformation. [1300–50; Middle English < Latin trānsfōrmāre to change in shape. See trans-, form] trans•form′a•ble, adj. trans•form′a•tive, adj. syn: transform, convert mean to change one thing into another. transform means to radically change the outward form or inner character: a frog transformed into a prince; delinquents transformed into responsible citizens. convert usually means to modify or adapt so as to serve a new or different use or function: to convert a barn into a house.


Past participle: transformed
Gerund: transforming
I transform
you transform
he/she/it transforms
we transform
you transform
they transform
I transformed
you transformed
he/she/it transformed
we transformed
you transformed
they transformed
Present Continuous
I am transforming
you are transforming
he/she/it is transforming
we are transforming
you are transforming
they are transforming
Present Perfect
I have transformed
you have transformed
he/she/it has transformed
we have transformed
you have transformed
they have transformed
Past Continuous
I was transforming
you were transforming
he/she/it was transforming
we were transforming
you were transforming
they were transforming
Past Perfect
I had transformed
you had transformed
he/she/it had transformed
we had transformed
you had transformed
they had transformed
I will transform
you will transform
he/she/it will transform
we will transform
you will transform
they will transform
Future Perfect
I will have transformed
you will have transformed
he/she/it will have transformed
we will have transformed
you will have transformed
they will have transformed
Future Continuous
I will be transforming
you will be transforming
he/she/it will be transforming
we will be transforming
you will be transforming
they will be transforming
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been transforming
you have been transforming
he/she/it has been transforming
we have been transforming
you have been transforming
they have been transforming
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been transforming
you will have been transforming
he/she/it will have been transforming
we will have been transforming
you will have been transforming
they will have been transforming
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been transforming
you had been transforming
he/she/it had been transforming
we had been transforming
you had been transforming
they had been transforming
I would transform
you would transform
he/she/it would transform
we would transform
you would transform
they would transform
Past Conditional
I would have transformed
you would have transformed
he/she/it would have transformed
we would have transformed
you would have transformed
they would have transformed
Verb1.transform - subject to a mathematical transformationtransform - subject to a mathematical transformationalter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
2.transform - change or alter in form, appearance, or naturetransform - change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another"transmute, transubstantiatealter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"transubstantiate - change (the Eucharist bread and wine) into the body and blood of Christsorcerise, sorcerize - transform or change by means of sorcerystalinise, stalinize - transform in accordance with Stalin's policies; "Russia was slowly stalinized after Lenin's death"destalinise, destalinize - counteract the effects and policies of Stalinism; "Russia was slowly destalinized in the late 1950's"work on, work, process - shape, form, or improve a material; "work stone into tools"; "process iron"; "work the metal"
3.transform - change in outward structure or lookstransform - change in outward structure or looks; "He transformed into a monster"; "The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle"transmute, metamorphosechange - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"aurify - transform into goldbecome, turn - undergo a change or development; "The water turned into ice"; "Her former friend became her worst enemy"; "He turned traitor"
4.transform - change from one form or medium into anothertransform - change from one form or medium into another; "Braque translated collage into oil"translatealter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"metricise, metricize - express in the metric systemdiagonalise, diagonalize - transform a matrix to a diagonal matrix
5.transform - convert (one form of energy) to anothertransform - convert (one form of energy) to another; "transform energy to light"natural philosophy, physics - the science of matter and energy and their interactions; "his favorite subject was physics"alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
6.transform - change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related speciesbiological science, biology - the science that studies living organismsalter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
7.transform - increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)transform - increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)natural philosophy, physics - the science of matter and energy and their interactions; "his favorite subject was physics"alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"


verb1. change, convert, alter, translate, reconstruct, metamorphose, transmute, renew, transmogrify (jocular) the speed at which your body transforms food into energy2. make over, overhaul, revamp, remake, renovate, remodel, revolutionize, redo, transfigure, restyle A cheap table can be transformed by an attractive cover.


verb1. To change into a different form, substance, or state:convert, metamorphose, mutate, transfigure, translate, transmogrify, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate.2. To bring about a radical change in:metamorphose, revolutionize.


(trӕnsˈfoːm) verb to change the appearance or nature of completely. He transformed the old kitchen into a beautiful sitting-room; His marriage has transformed him. 改造,改變 改造,改变 ˌtransforˈmation noun1. the act of transforming or process of being transformed. the transformation of water into ice. 改造,轉化 改造,转化 2. a change. The event caused a transformation in her character. 變化 变化transˈformer noun an apparatus for changing electrical energy from one voltage to another. 變壓器 变压器


IdiomsSeetransform to



Maths the result of a mathematical transformation, esp (of a matrix or an element of a group) another related to the given one by B=X--1 AX for some appropriate X


[tranz′fȯrm (verb) or ′tranz‚fȯrm (noun)] (computer science) To change the form of digital-computer information without significantly altering its meaning. (mathematics) An expression, commonly used in harmonic analysis, formed from a given function ƒ by taking an integral of ƒ· g, where g is a member of an orthogonal family of functions. The value of a transformation at some point. A matrix B related to a given matrix A by B = C -1 AC, where C is a nonsingular matrix. conjugate



(trans-fōrm'), In mathematics, an element derived by transforming another. [L. transformo, fr. trans, across, + forma, form]


(trăns-fôrm′)v. trans·formed, trans·forming, trans·forms v.tr. Genetics To subject (a cell) to transformation.
trans·form′a·ble adj.


TRANSFORMTrade-Off Analysis Systems/Force Mix


  • verb

Synonyms for transform

verb change


  • change
  • convert
  • alter
  • translate
  • reconstruct
  • metamorphose
  • transmute
  • renew
  • transmogrify

verb make over


  • make over
  • overhaul
  • revamp
  • remake
  • renovate
  • remodel
  • revolutionize
  • redo
  • transfigure
  • restyle

Synonyms for transform

verb to change into a different form, substance, or state


  • convert
  • metamorphose
  • mutate
  • transfigure
  • translate
  • transmogrify
  • transmute
  • transpose
  • transubstantiate

verb to bring about a radical change in


  • metamorphose
  • revolutionize

Synonyms for transform

verb subject to a mathematical transformation

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify

verb change or alter in form, appearance, or nature


  • transmute
  • transubstantiate

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • transubstantiate
  • sorcerise
  • sorcerize
  • stalinise
  • stalinize
  • destalinise
  • destalinize
  • work on
  • work
  • process

verb change in outward structure or looks


  • transmute
  • metamorphose

Related Words

  • change
  • aurify
  • become
  • turn

verb change from one form or medium into another


  • translate

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • metricise
  • metricize
  • diagonalise
  • diagonalize

verb convert (one form of energy) to another

Related Words

  • natural philosophy
  • physics
  • alter
  • change
  • modify

verb change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species

Related Words

  • biological science
  • biology
  • alter
  • change
  • modify

verb increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)

Related Words

  • natural philosophy
  • physics
  • alter
  • change
  • modify




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