Acronym | Definition |
STM➣Synchronous Transfer Mode |
STM➣Stamford (Amtrak station code; Stamford, CT) |
STM➣Scanning Tunneling Microscopy |
STM➣Seems To Me |
STM➣Scanning Tunneling Microscope |
STM➣Societe de Transport de Montreal |
STM➣Sosiaali- ja Terveysministeriö (Finnish: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health; Helsinki) |
STM➣Short Term Memory |
STM➣SPIE (Source Path Isolation Engine) Traceback Manager |
STM➣Stepping Motor (lenses) |
STM➣Short Term Medical (insurance) |
STM➣Science, Technology and Medicine (various meanings) |
STM➣Software Transactional Memory |
STM➣Scientific, Technical and Medical (International Association of) |
STM➣Streptomycin (antibiotic drug) |
STM➣Seize the Moment |
STM➣Steel Travel Mug |
STM➣School of Theology and Ministry (Seattle University, WA and Boston College, MA) |
STM➣Synchronous Transport Module |
STM➣Strut-And-Tie Model (tool for analysis/design of concrete members) |
STM➣School of Technology Management (various schools) |
STM➣Signature Tagged Mutagenesis |
STM➣Short Term Mission |
STM➣Security and Trust Management |
STM➣Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers |
STM➣Scanning Tunnel Microscope |
STM➣State Transition Matrix |
STM➣Store Multiple (IBM) |
STM➣St. Thomas More College (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) |
STM➣School of Tropical Medicine |
STM➣Soft Tissue Mobilization |
STM➣Semantic Term Manager |
STM➣Self Test Mode |
STM➣Store Multiple |
STM➣Status Monitor |
STM➣State Transition Diagram Model |
STM➣Support Tools Manager |
STM➣Scream Tracker Module |
STM➣Set Timestamp |
STM➣Shallow Truncate Mode |
STM➣Service Test Module |
STM➣Master of Sacred Theology |
STM➣Sediment Transport Model |
STM➣Sympto-Thermal Method (natural family planning) |
STM➣Superior Tribunal Militar (Brazil) |
STM➣Soft Tissue Massage |
STM➣Strokes Per Minute |
STM➣Science Team Meeting (various organizations) |
STM➣Science Teaching Methods |
STM➣Seashore Trolley Museum (Kennebunkport, Maine, USA) |
STM➣Strategic Technology Management |
STM➣System Trace Module (computing) |
STM➣Services Techniques Municipaux (French: Municipal Technical Services) |
STM➣Smile to Myself |
STM➣Soft Tissue Manipulation |
STM➣SONET Multiplexer |
STM➣Source to Target Mapping (data transformation) |
STM➣Savor the Moment |
STM➣Science-Technical-Medical |
STM➣Science and Technology Manager (US DoD) |
STM➣Saint Thomas Moore (school) |
STM➣System Test Mode |
STM➣Software Test Management |
STM➣Signaling Traffic Management |
STM➣Sports Turf Management |
STM➣Small Text Message (pager message) |
STM➣Said Too Much |
STM➣Security Threat Mitigation (Cisco) |
STM➣Shoot Meristemless |
STM➣Structural/Thermal Model |
STM➣Staff Time Measurement |
STM➣Signal Termination Module |
STM➣Supremo Tribunal Militar (Portugal) |
STM➣Specific Transmission Module (railway) |
STM➣Secure Text Messaging (communication) |
STM➣Sekolah Teknik Menengah |
STM➣Société de Transports de Montréal (French) |
STM➣Synchronous Transmission Mode |
STM➣Santarem, Para, Brazil (Airport Code) |
STM➣Satellite Town Meeting (US Department of Education) |
STM➣Short Term Missionary |
STM➣SGS-Thompson Microelectronics |
STM➣Shade Tree Mechanics (vehicles) |
STM➣SONET Transmission Manager |
STM➣Strategic Transport Model |
STM➣Stormwater Treatment Measure |
STM➣Snicker to Myself |
STM➣Service de Santé au Travail Multisectoriel (Luxembourg) |
STM➣Significant Technical Milestone |
STM➣Springfield Telescope Makers (Springfield, Vermont astronomy club) |
STM➣Scream Tracker Module (a digital music format) |
STM➣Single Thread Model |
STM➣Support Test Manager (NASA) |
STM➣Stonetalon Mountain (World of Warcraft) |
STM➣Naval Ship Technical Manual (TMINS) |
STM➣Standard Time Meridian |
STM➣Stack Tritium Monitor |
STM➣Shallow Truncate Mode (Cisco) |
STM➣Stewards Mate |
STM➣Synthetic Transaction Monitor |
STM➣STEAR Testbed Manipulator |
STM➣Sindicato de Trabajadores de Migración (Spanish, Guatemala) |
STM➣Scattering Transfer Matrix |
STM➣Ship-To-Manufacturing |
STM➣Space Track Message |
STM➣Skill Training Material |
STM➣Syntax Tree Manager |
STM➣Sistema de Tratamento de Mensagens (Portuguese: System for Processing of Messages; Brazil) |
STM➣Structural Test Module |
STM➣Syndicat des Transitaires de Marseille (French: Freight Union of Marseilles; Marseilles, France) |
STM➣Service Test Model/Module |
STM➣Subsystem Traffic Manager |
STM➣Standby Temperature Monitor |
STM➣Shin Tenchi Muyou (Anime) |
STM➣Service Trade Management |
STM➣Stock Taking Method (France) |
STM➣Service Triage Manutention (French: Sorting Handling Service) |