anterior meningeal branch (of anterior ethmoidal artery)

anterior meningeal branch (of anterior ethmoidal artery)

[TA] origin, anterior ethmoidal; distribution, meninges in anterior cranial fossa; anastomoses, branches of middle meningeal and meningeal branches of internal carotid and lacrimal. Synonym(s): ramus meningeus anterior arteriae ethmoidalis anterioris [TA], anterior meningeal artery, arteria meningea anterior

an·te·ri·or me·nin·ge·al branch (of an·te·ri·or eth·moid·al ar·te·ry)

(an-tērē-ŏr mĕ-ninjē-ăl branch an-tērē-ŏr eth-moydăl ahrtĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, anterior ethmoidal; distribution, meninges in anterior cranial fossa; anastomoses, branches of middle meningeal and meningeal branches of internal carotid and lacrimal.