anterior palatine foramen

great·er pal·a·tine fo·ra·men

[TA] an opening in the posterolateral corner of the hard palate opposite the last molar tooth, marking the lower end of the pterygopalatine canal. Synonym(s): foramen palatinum majus [TA], anterior palatine foramen

anterior palatine foramen

(1) Incisive foramen; foramen incisivum [NA6]. 
(2) Incisive fossa; fossa incisiva [NA6].

great·er pal·a·tine for·a·men

(grā'tĕr pal'ă-tīn fōr-ā'mĕn) [TA] Opening in the posterolateral corner of the hard palate opposite the last molar tooth, marking the lower end of the pterygopalatine canal.
Synonym(s): anterior palatine foramen.