anterior pituitary gonadotropin

an·te·ri·or pi·tu·i·tar·y go·nad·o·tro·pin

any gonadotropin of hypophysial origin; formerly used to designate a single hormone, because it was thought that the anterior hypophysis secreted only one gonadotropin. Synonym(s): pituitary gonadotropic hormone

an·te·ri·or pi·tu·i·tar·y go·nad·o·tro·pin

(an-tēr'ē-ŏr pi-tū'i-tār-ē gō-nad'ō-trō'pin) Any gonadotropin of hypophysial origin.
Synonym(s): pituitary gonadotropic hormone.

anterior pituitary gonadotropin

One of the two anterior pituitary hormones that affects the ovaries or testes: follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone.See also: gonadotropin

an·te·ri·or pi·tu·i·tar·y go·nad·o·tro·pin

(an-tēr'ē-ŏr pi-tū'i-tār-ē gō-nad'ō-trō'pin) Gonadotropin of hypophysial origin.