Acronym | Definition |
TTM➣Trailing Twelve Months |
TTM➣Trailing 12 Months (business/finance) |
TTM➣Through the Mail (autographs) |
TTM➣TESS (Tactical Engagement Simulation System) Training Missile |
TTM➣Time To Market |
TTM➣Targeted Temperature Management (health care) |
TTM➣Traditionelle Thai Massage (German: Traditional Thai Massage) |
TTM➣Transtheoretical Model |
TTM➣Thailand Tobacco Monopoly |
TTM➣Trichotillomania (impulse control disorder to pull out one's hair) |
TTM➣Test Traffic Measurements |
TTM➣Thai Traditional Medicine (Thailand) |
TTM➣Tensile Testing Machine (metallurgy) |
TTM➣Talk To Me |
TTM➣To the Moon |
TTM➣Telegraphic Transfer Middle Rate (foreign exchange market) |
TTM➣The Time Machine |
TTM➣To the Max |
TTM➣Tulsa TV Memories |
TTM➣Traditional Tibetan Medicine |
TTM➣Tetrathiomolybdate |
TTM➣Train the Trainers Manual |
TTM➣Theater Transportation Mission |
TTM➣Tex to MathML (translator) |
TTM➣Threat Training Manual (US DoD) |
TTM➣Temporary Traffic Management |
TTM➣The Third Manifesto |
TTM➣To the Moderator |
TTM➣Timely Topics in Medicine |
TTM➣Tam Tam Mandingue |
TTM➣Test, Tren, Mast (steroids) |
TTM➣Teman Tapi Mesra (Indonesian song) |
TTM➣Tata Motors Inc. |
TTM➣Training Target Material (US DoD) |
TTM➣Test Traffic Measurement (Service) |
TTM➣Travel and Tourism Management |
TTM➣Table Top Meeting |
TTM➣Tecnologie Trasporti Mare (Italian shipping magazine) |
TTM➣Textile Technology Management |
TTM➣Texas Transportation Museum (San Antonio) |
TTM➣Turntablist Transcription Methodology (musical notation) |
TTM➣Toyota Tsusho Metals (London, UK) |
TTM➣Total Therapeutic Management |
TTM➣Tri Town Marine (Harrington, ME) |
TTM➣Total Tumor Mass |
TTM➣Time to Myself |
TTM➣Timing Test Measurement (Symmetricom) |
TTM➣Tour of the Tucson Mountains |
TTM➣Trans Thai-Malaysia Ltd (pipeline company) |
TTM➣Tennis de Table de Montgermont (French: Montgermont Table Tennis; est. 1983) |
TTM➣Troubleshooting Manual |
TTM➣Test Manual |
TTM➣Taconic Transgenic Models (laboratory animals) |
TTM➣Tranquility Training Method |
TTM➣The Tactile Mind (publisher) |
TTM➣Terrorism Threat Monitor |
TTM➣Time Transfer Message |
TTM➣Tommy the Matchmaker |
TTM➣Target Trajectory Mapping |
TTM➣Ten Ton Music (UK studio) |
TTM➣Tutor Training Manual |
TTM➣Total Trust Management |
TTM➣Tiny Tin Men (miniature wargaming blog) |
TTM➣Telecom Test and Measurement |
TTM➣Telescopic Trailer Mast |
TTM➣Tilting Tumbling Machine |
TTM➣Till This Moment |
TTM➣Technologie Transfer Marburg eV (Germany) |
TTM➣Tightrope Technologies Motorsport (Ireland) |
TTM➣Transform-Task Method |
TTM➣Transition and Transformation Methodology (various organizations) |
TTM➣Touching the Monolith (podcast) |
TTM➣Target Threat Manager |
TTM➣Tactical Tasking Message |
TTM➣Through Transmissive Media Modules |
TTM➣Tactical Target/ing Material |
TTM➣Telstar Tecnologia Mecánica SL (Spain) |
TTM➣Transceiver Timing Module |
TTM➣Tiny Task Manager |
TTM➣The True Maker |
TTM➣Time Transfer Modem |
TTM➣True for Transactional Modeling |
TTM➣Time-Triggered Methods |
TTM➣Test Tube Miller (laboratory device) |
TTM➣Technical Task Manager |
TTM➣Timber Stringer--Metal Deck (engineering) |