

单词 teach



T0070600 (tēch)v. taught (tôt), teach·ing, teach·es v.tr.1. To impart knowledge or skill to: teaches children.2. To provide knowledge of; instruct in: teaches French.3. To condition to a certain action or frame of mind: teaching youngsters to be self-reliant.4. To cause to learn by example or experience: an accident that taught me a valuable lesson.5. To advocate or preach: teaches racial and religious tolerance.6. To carry on instruction on a regular basis in: taught high school for many years.v.intr. To give instruction, especially as an occupation.n. Slang A teacher.
[Middle English techen, from Old English tǣcan; see deik- in Indo-European roots.]Synonyms: teach, instruct, educate, train, school1, discipline, drill1
These verbs mean to impart knowledge or skill. Teach is the most widely applicable: taught the child to draw; taught literature at the college. Instruct often suggests training in some special field or skill: instructed the undergraduates in music theory. Educate often implies formal instruction but especially stresses the development of innate capacities: "We are educated by others ... and this cultivation, mingling with our innate disposition, is the soil in which our desires, passions, and motives grow" (Mary Shelley).
Train suggests concentration on particular skills intended to fit a person for a desired role: trained the vocational students to be computer technicians. School often implies an arduous training process: "He took young Deanie under his wing and schooled him in the art of ambidextrous gunplay" (T.J. English).
Discipline usually refers to the teaching of control, especially self-control: disciplined myself to exercise every day. Drill implies rigorous instruction or training, usually by repetition: drilled the students by having them recite the multiplication tables.


(tiːtʃ) vb, teaches, teaching or taught1. (often foll by: how) to help to learn; tell or show (how): to teach someone to paint; to teach someone how to paint. 2. to give instruction or lessons in (a subject) to (a person or animal): to teach French; to teach children; she teaches. 3. (tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to cause to learn or understand: experience taught him that he could not be a journalist. 4. informal Also: teach someone a lesson to cause (someone) to suffer the unpleasant consequences of some action or behaviour[Old English tǣcan; related to tācen token, Old Frisian tēken, Old Saxon tēkan, Old High German zeihhan, Old Norse teikn sign] ˈteachable adj


(tiːtʃ) n (Biography) Edward, known as Blackbeard. died 1718, English pirate, active in the West Indies and on the Atlantic coast of North America



v. taught, teach•ing. v.t. 1. to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in: She teaches mathematics. 2. to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to: He teaches a large class. v.i. 3. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction, esp. as one's profession or vocation. [before 900; Middle English techen, Old English tǣcan; akin to token] syn: teach, instruct, train, educate share the meaning of imparting information, understanding, or skill. teach is the most general of these terms, referring to any practice that furnishes a person with skill or knowledge: to teach children to write. instruct usu. implies a systematic, structured method of teaching: to instruct paramedics in first aid. train stresses the development of a desired proficiency or behavior through practice, discipline, and instruction: to train military recruits. educate stresses the development of reasoning and judgment; it often involves preparing a person for an occupation or for mature life: to educate the young.



n. Edward ( “Blackbeard” ), died 1718, English pirate and privateer in the Americas.


1. teaching a subject

If you teach a subject, you explain it to people so that they know about it or understand it. The past form and -ed participle of teach is taught.

I taught history for many years.English will be taught in primary schools.

When teach has this meaning, it often has an indirect object. The indirect object can go either in front of the direct object or after it. If it goes after the direct object, you put to in front of it.

That's the man that taught us Geography at school.I found a job teaching English to a group of adults in Paris.
2. teaching a skill

If you teach someone to do something, you give them instructions so that they know how to do it.

He taught me to sing a song.His dad had taught him to drive.

When teach is used with a to-infinitive like this, it must have a direct object. Don't say, for example, 'His dad had taught to drive'.

Instead of using a to-infinitive, you can sometimes use an -ing form. For example, instead of saying 'I taught them to ski', you can say 'I taught them skiing'. You can also say 'I taught them how to ski'.

She taught them singing.My mother taught me how to cook.


Past participle: taught
Gerund: teaching
I teach
you teach
he/she/it teaches
we teach
you teach
they teach
I taught
you taught
he/she/it taught
we taught
you taught
they taught
Present Continuous
I am teaching
you are teaching
he/she/it is teaching
we are teaching
you are teaching
they are teaching
Present Perfect
I have taught
you have taught
he/she/it has taught
we have taught
you have taught
they have taught
Past Continuous
I was teaching
you were teaching
he/she/it was teaching
we were teaching
you were teaching
they were teaching
Past Perfect
I had taught
you had taught
he/she/it had taught
we had taught
you had taught
they had taught
I will teach
you will teach
he/she/it will teach
we will teach
you will teach
they will teach
Future Perfect
I will have taught
you will have taught
he/she/it will have taught
we will have taught
you will have taught
they will have taught
Future Continuous
I will be teaching
you will be teaching
he/she/it will be teaching
we will be teaching
you will be teaching
they will be teaching
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been teaching
you have been teaching
he/she/it has been teaching
we have been teaching
you have been teaching
they have been teaching
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been teaching
you will have been teaching
he/she/it will have been teaching
we will have been teaching
you will have been teaching
they will have been teaching
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been teaching
you had been teaching
he/she/it had been teaching
we had been teaching
you had been teaching
they had been teaching
I would teach
you would teach
he/she/it would teach
we would teach
you would teach
they would teach
Past Conditional
I would have taught
you would have taught
he/she/it would have taught
we would have taught
you would have taught
they would have taught
Noun1.teach - an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of North America (died in 1718)Teach - an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of North America (died in 1718)Blackbeard, Edward Teach, Edward Thatch, Thatch
Verb1.teach - impart skills or knowledge to; "I taught them French"; "He instructed me in building a boat"instruct, learntrain, educate, prepare, develop - create by training and teaching; "The old master is training world-class violinists"; "we develop the leaders for the future"indoctrinate - teach doctrines to; teach uncritically; "The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples"drill - teach by repetitioncatechise, catechize - give religious instructions toreinforce, reward - strengthen and support with rewards; "Let's reinforce good behavior"spoonfeed - teach without challenging the students; "This professor spoonfeeds his students"induct - introduce or initiate; "The young geisha was inducted into the ways of her profession"mentor - serve as a teacher or trusted counselor; "The famous professor mentored him during his years in graduate school"; "She is a fine lecturer but she doesn't like mentoring"tutor - be a tutor to someone; give individual instruction; "She tutored me in Spanish"unteach - cause to disbelieve; teach someone the contrary of what he or she had learned earlierunteach - cause to unlearn; "teach somebody to unlearn old habits or methods"ground - instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subjectlecture, talk - deliver a lecture or talk; "She will talk at Rutgers next week"; "Did you ever lecture at Harvard?"inform - impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; "I informed him of his rights"coach, train - teach and supervise (someone); act as a trainer or coach (to), as in sports; "He is training our Olympic team"; "She is coaching the crew"edify, enlighten - make understand; "Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposal"condition - establish a conditioned response
2.teach - accustom gradually to some action or attitude; "The child is taught to obey her parents"accustom, habituate - make psychologically or physically used (to something); "She became habituated to the background music"


verb1. instruct, train, coach, school, direct, advise, inform, discipline, educate, drill, tutor, enlighten, impart, instil, inculcate, edify, give lessons in a programme to teach educational skills She taught me to read.2. show, train, demonstrate George had taught him how to ride a horse.3. give lessons in, lecture in, give instruction in, tutor, explain, expound, inculcate, inform someone about She teaches English to Japanese business people.


verbTo impart knowledge and skill to:coach, discipline, educate, instruct, school, train, tutor.


(tiːtʃ) past tense, past participle taught (toːt) verb to give knowledge, skill or wisdom to a person; to instruct or train (a person). She teaches English / the piano; Experience has taught him nothing. 教導 教,教导,训练 ˈteacher noun a person who teaches, especially in a school. 教師 教师teaching noun1. the work of teacher. Teaching is a satisfying job; (also adjective) the teaching staff of a school. 教(書) 教(书) 2. guidance or instruction. She followed her mother's teaching. 教導 教导3. something that is taught. one of the teachings of Christ. 教誨、教義 教诲,教义




tell (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)

1. To inform someone of the facts or several pieces of information (about someone or something). I know you're from the countryside and not used to city folk, so let me tell you a thing or two about New Yorkers. If you want to learn about the history of cinema, then you should ask Jeff—he'd be more than happy to tell you a thing or two.2. To correct or confront someone about his, her, or their mistaken belief or incorrect point of view (about someone or something). The professor is teaching us some really antiquated material about quantum physics. I think I'll go tell him a thing or two about it after class. That jerk has been making snide remarks about the women in our group all night. I'm going to go over there and tell him a thing or two!See also: someone, tell, thing, two

those who can't do, teach

Those who are unable to successfully find a career in their field of interest end up teaching about it instead. (A shortening of "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.") A: "I know he always aspired to be a great novelist, but the last I heard, he's still teaching middle school English." B: "Well, those who can't do, teach."See also: teach, those, who

don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs

An older person is wiser and more experienced and worldly than a young person may think—thus, the older person does not need to be taught. I may be 70, but I've been using a computer since before you were born! Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs, sonny!See also: egg, grandmother, suck, teach

teach a man to fish

Teaching someone how to do something is more helpful to them in the long run than just doing it for them. The full proverb is "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." A: "I don't want to teach Billy how to drive!" B: "Well, I know you're sick of driving him around, and this is a solution. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!" I'm trying to show my grandfather how to use his new computer, so that he won't call me with questions every time he tries to use it—teach a man to fish and all that.See also: fish, man, teach

teach (one's) grandmother to suck eggs

To try to teach an older person who is wiser and more experienced and worldly than a young person may think. Why are you explaining basic typing to Ethel? Yes, she's 70, but she's been using a computer since before you were born—quit teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.See also: egg, grandmother, suck, teach

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

Those who are especially skilled in a certain field or area will be able to pursue a career, while those who are less skilled will end up teaching about it instead. A: "I know he always aspired to be a great novelist, but the last I heard he's still teaching middle school English." B: "Well, those who can, do; those who can't, teach."See also: those, who

teach school

To teach; to be a teacher in a school. Did you know that Karen teaches school? I thought she was stockbroker. Don't feel so bad. I've taught school for 30 years, and I still run into situations I don't know how to handle.See also: school, teach

you can't teach an old dog new tricks

You cannot teach some new skill or behavior to someone who is set in their ways. Good luck getting Grandpa to start going to yoga with you. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.See also: dog, new, old, teach, trick

teach (one) a lesson

To convince one to avoid some unwanted behavior in the future through the inflicting of some form of punishment or harm. Can be said of the harm or punishment itself, or the agent inflicting the harm or punishment. After the CEO was found guilty, he was forced to repay $150 million in damages and will spend the next 10 years in jail. If that doesn't teach him a lesson, I don't know what will. A: "The cat scratched Bobby this time when he pulled its tail again." B: "Well, that ought to teach him a lesson." Are you going to mess with my little brother again, or am I going to have to teach you a lesson?See also: lesson, teach

tricks of the trade

Certain clever or ingenious skills, techniques, or methods used by professionals to do something more easily or efficiently. My uncle used to be a tailor, so he taught me all the tricks of the trade to alter a shirt. My accountant friend is showing me the tricks of the trade to pay as few taxes as possible on my income.See also: of, trade, trick

could tell (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)

1. Could inform someone of the facts or several pieces of information (about someone or something). I know you're from the countryside and not used to city folk, but I could tell you a thing or two about New Yorkers. If you want to learn about the history of cinema, then you should ask Jeff—he could tell you a thing or two.2. Could correct or confront someone about his, her, or their mistaken belief or incorrect point of view (about someone or something). That jerk has been making snide remarks all night. I could go over there and tell him a thing or two about how to talk to women!See also: could, someone, tell, thing, two

could teach (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)

1. Could inform someone of the facts or several pieces of information (about someone or something). I know you're from the countryside and not used to city folk, but I could teach you a thing or two about New Yorkers. If you want to learn about the history of cinema, then you should ask Jeff—he could teach you a thing or two.2. Could correct or confront someone about his, her, or their mistaken belief or incorrect point of view (about someone or something). That jerk has been making snide remarks all night. I could go over there and teach him a thing or two about how to talk to women!See also: could, someone, teach, thing, two

that'll teach (one) ((not) to do something)

That should serve as a lesson not to do something! Said when one receives some fitting punishment or negative outcome as a result of their actions. (The meaning is the same regardless or whether "not" is used.) My men are going round to rough the accountant up. That'll teach him to go talking to the police. A: "She's been sentenced to 10 years in prison for her involvement in the scam." B: "Good. That'll teach her." A: "Ouch! You hit me in the head!" B: "That'll teach you not to talk back to me!"See also: teach

teach one's grandmother to suck eggs

Fig. to try to tell or show someone more knowledgeable or experienced than oneself how to do something. Don't suggest showing Mary how to knit. It will be like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs. Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. Bob has been playing tennis for years.See also: egg, grandmother, suck, teach

teach someone a lesson

to get even with someone for bad behavior. John tripped me, so I punched him. That ought to teach him a lesson. That taught me a lesson. I won't do it again.See also: lesson, teach

that'll teach someone

Inf. What happened to someone is a suitable punishment! (The someone is usually a pronoun.) Bill: Tom, who has cheated on his taxes for years, finally got caught. Sue: That'll teach him. Bill: Gee, I got a ticket for speeding. Fred: That'll teach you!See also: teach

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

Prov. People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching. (Used to disparage teachers. From George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman.) Bob: I'm so discouraged. My writing teacher told me my novel is hopeless. Jane: Don't listen to her, Bob. Remember: those who can, do; those who can't, teach.See also: teach, those, who

*tricks of the trade

special skills and knowledge associated with any trade or profession. (*Typically: know ~; learn ~; show someone ~; teach someone ~.) I know a few tricks of the trade that make things easier. I learned the tricks of the trade from my uncle.See also: of, trade, trick

You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.

Prov. Someone who is used to doing things a certain way cannot change. (Usually not polite to say about the person you are talking to; you can say it about yourself or about a third person.) I've been away from school for fifteen years; I can't go back to college now. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Kevin's doctor told him not to eat starchy food anymore, but Kevin still has potatoes with every meal. I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks.See also: cannot, dog, new, old, teach, trick

teach a lesson

Punish in order to prevent a recurrence of bad behavior. For example, Timmy set the wastebasket on fire; that should teach him a lesson about playing with matches . This term uses lesson in the sense of "a punishment or rebuke," a usage dating from the late 1500s. Also see learn one's lesson. See also: lesson, teach

teach an old dog new tricks

Change longstanding habits or ways, especially in an old person. For example, His grandmother avoids using the microwave oven-you can't teach an old dog new tricks. This expression, alluding to the difficulty of changing one's ways, was first recorded in 1523 in a book of husbandry, where it was used literally. By 1546 a version of it appeared in John Heywood's proverb collection. See also: dog, new, old, teach, trick

tricks of the trade

Clever ways of operating a business or performing a task or activity, especially slightly dishonest or unfair ones. For example, Alma knows all the tricks of the trade, cutting the fabric as close as possible, or The butcher weighs meat after it's wrapped; charging for the packaging is one of the tricks of the trade . See also: of, trade, trick

you can't teach an old dog new tricks

If you say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, you mean that it is often difficult to get people to try new ways of doing things, especially if they have been doing something in a particular way for a long time. The low levels of participation among older people are affected by the widespread belief that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Note: This expression is often varied. For example, if you say you can teach an old dog new tricks or an old dog can learn new tricks, you mean that it is possible to get people to try new ways of doing something. Our work shows that you can teach an old dog new tricks. An old dog can learn new tricks if he has both the will and the opportunity.See also: dog, new, old, teach, trick

teach your grandmother to suck eggs

BRITISHIf you teach your grandmother to suck eggs, you give advice about a subject to someone who knows more about it than you do. Look, I don't want to teach my grandmother to suck eggs, but haven't you done this the wrong way round? Note: You can also say that you teach your granny to suck eggs. At the risk of teaching my granny to suck eggs, wouldn't it be better to use this pan?See also: egg, grandmother, suck, teach

could tell someone a thing or two


could teach someone a thing or two

If you could tell someone a thing or two about something or could teach someone a thing or two about it, you know much more about it than they do. Perhaps they'd like to meet my sons, now aged 14 and 17. They could tell them a thing or two about drama. They could teach us a thing or two about family values. Note: A thing or two is often used after other verbs to mean a lot of things. Patricia Hewitt knows a thing or two about how to be well-organised. The peace movement has learnt a thing or two from Vietnam.See also: could, someone, tell, thing, two

you can't teach an old dog new tricks

you cannot make people change their ways. proverbSee also: dog, new, old, teach, trick

teach your grandmother to suck eggs

presume to advise a more experienced person. The proverb you can't teach your grandmother to suck eggs has been used since the early 18th century as a caution against any attempt by the ignorant or inexperienced to instruct someone wiser or more knowledgeable.See also: egg, grandmother, suck, teach

tricks of the trade

special ingenious techniques used in a profession or craft, especially those that are little known by outsiders.See also: of, trade, trick

teach your grandmother to suck ˈeggs

(British English, informal) tell or show somebody how to do something that they can already do well, and probably better than you can: I don’t know why he’s telling Rob how to use the computer. It seems to me like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.See also: egg, grandmother, suck, teach

teach somebody a ˈlesson

(also ˈteach somebody (to do something)) learn from a punishment or because of an unpleasant experience, that you have done something wrong or made a mistake: He needs to be taught a lesson (= he should be punished).Losing all his money in a card game has taught him a lesson he’ll never forget.That’ll teach you! Perhaps you’ll be more careful in future!See also: lesson, somebody, teach

(you can’t) teach an old dog new ˈtricks

(saying) (you can’t) make old people change their ideas or ways of working, etc: My grandmother doesn’t want a computer. She says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.See also: dog, new, old, teach, trick

can/could teach/tell somebody a ˈthing or two (about somebody/something)

(informal) be able to help somebody, or teach somebody how to do something, because you have more experience: He thinks he knows a lot about farming, but old Bert could teach him a thing or two.See also: can, could, somebody, teach, tell, thing, two

That’ll teach someone

sent. That is what someone deserves. That’ll teach you to pull out in front of me. See also: someone, teach

tricks of the trade

n. special skills and knowledge associated with any trade or profession. I know a few tricks of the trade that make things easier. See also: of, trade, trick

teach an old dog new tricks, one can't/it's hard to

The elderly cannot or will not change their ways. This saying dates from the sixteenth century, at first appearing with a literal meaning in a book of Husbandry (1523) and then in John Heywood’s 1546 proverb collection. It is still current.See also: dog, hard, new, old, one, teach

You can't teach an old dog new tricks

Getting people to change their habits or acquire new skills is impossible. Puppies are teachable, but older dogs are less apt to be able to be trained, or so popular wisdom had it. By the same token, an octogenarian who has read the morning newspaper for decades is unlikely to be willing, much less eager, to switch to the online edition.See also: dog, new, old, teach, trick



[tēch] (control systems) To program a robot by guiding it through its motions, which are then recorded and stored in its computer.


TEACHTeacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
TEACHTechnology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002
TEACHToxicity and Exposure Assessment for Children (US EPA)
TEACHThe Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers (Connecticut)
TEACHThe Education and Curriculum Homesite (Great Lakes Commission; Ann Arbor, MI)
TEACHTo Encourage and Challenge Homeschoolers (web magazine)


Related to Teach: Edward Teach
  • all
  • verb
  • noun

Synonyms for Teach

verb instruct


  • instruct
  • train
  • coach
  • school
  • direct
  • advise
  • inform
  • discipline
  • educate
  • drill
  • tutor
  • enlighten
  • impart
  • instil
  • inculcate
  • edify
  • give lessons in

verb show


  • show
  • train
  • demonstrate

verb give lessons in


  • give lessons in
  • lecture in
  • give instruction in
  • tutor
  • explain
  • expound
  • inculcate
  • inform someone about

Synonyms for Teach

verb to impart knowledge and skill to


  • coach
  • discipline
  • educate
  • instruct
  • school
  • train
  • tutor

Synonyms for Teach

noun an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of North America (died in 1718)


  • Blackbeard
  • Edward Teach
  • Edward Thatch
  • Thatch

verb impart skills or knowledge to


  • instruct
  • learn

Related Words

  • train
  • educate
  • prepare
  • develop
  • indoctrinate
  • drill
  • catechise
  • catechize
  • reinforce
  • reward
  • spoonfeed
  • induct
  • mentor
  • tutor
  • unteach
  • ground
  • lecture
  • talk
  • inform
  • coach
  • edify
  • enlighten
  • condition

verb accustom gradually to some action or attitude

Related Words

  • accustom
  • habituate




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