

单词 toaster



T0243500 (tō′stər)n. A mechanical device used to toast bread, especially by exposure to electrically heated wire coils.


(ˈtəʊstə) n (Cookery) a device for toasting bread, usually electric, and often equipped with an automatic timer


(ˈtoʊ stər)

n. an instrument or appliance for toasting food.
Noun1.toaster - someone who proposes a toasttoaster - someone who proposes a toast; someone who drinks to the health of success of someone or some venturewassaileradmirer, booster, protagonist, supporter, champion, friend - a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library"
2.toaster - a kitchen appliance (usually electric) for toasting breadtoaster - a kitchen appliance (usually electric) for toasting breadkitchen appliance - a home appliance used in preparing food


(təust) verb to make (bread etc) brown in front of direct heat. We toasted slices of bread for tea. noun bread that has been toasted. He always has two pieces of toast for breakfast. 吐司(烤麵包片) 吐司(烤面包片) ˈtoasted adjective heated by direct heat, eg under a grill. toasted cheese; Do you like your bread toasted? 烤的 烤的ˈtoaster noun an electric machine for toasting bread. 烤麵包機 烤面包机ˈtoaster oven noun a small oven for toasting bread or baking food. 小烤箱 小烤箱ˈtoastrack noun a small stand in which slices of toast can be served. Put the toastrack on the table. 麵包架 面包架





(jargon)1. The archetypal really stupid application for anembedded microprocessor controller; often used in commentsthat imply that a scheme is inappropriate technology (but seeelevator controller). "DWIM for an assembler? That'd beas silly as running Unix on your toaster!"

2. A very, very dumb computer. "You could run this program onany dumb toaster."

See bitty box, Get a real computer!, toy, beige toaster.

3. A Macintosh, especially the Classic Mac. Some holdthat this is implied by sense 2.

4. A peripheral device. "I bought my box without toasters,but since then I've added two boards and a second disk drive".

This is not usually to be taken literally but, to show off theexpansion capabilities of the Risc PC, Acorn Computers Ltd. built a seven-slice machine (which they called "therocket-ship") and installed every imaginable peripheral. In aspare drive bay of the top slice they installed a toaster.This machine was exhibited at various shows where it attractedattention by occasionally ejecting a pizza.


  • noun

Synonyms for toaster

noun someone who proposes a toast


  • wassailer

Related Words

  • admirer
  • booster
  • protagonist
  • supporter
  • champion
  • friend

noun a kitchen appliance (usually electric) for toasting bread

Related Words

  • kitchen appliance




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