Verkhnii Dzhulat Gorodishche
Verkhnii Dzhulat Gorodishche
the site of a large medieval city on the left bank of the Terek opposite the village of El’khotovo, in Severnaia Osetiia ASSR.
Archaeological investigations from 1958 to 1962 uncovered the stratum of Alan culture of the tenth through 14th centuries. The ruins of three Christian churches of the 12th-13th centuries, as well as two Muslim mosques and a public building from the 14th—15th centuries, were discovered. Christian and Muslim burial grounds of the 13th—15th centuries have been examined. There are grounds for identifying the Verkhnii Dzhulat gorodishche with the Jassy city of Dediakov, which is mentioned in the Russian chronicles.
Miloradovich, O. V. “Issledovanie gorodishcha Verkhnii Dzhulat v 1960 g.” In the collection Kratkie soobshcheniia o dokladakh i polevykh issledovaniiakh instituía arkheologii, vol. 90. Moscow, 1962.Krupnov, E. I. “Eshche raz o mestonakhozhdenii goroda De-diakova.” In the collection Slaviane i Rus’ . Moscow, 1968.