pulse deficit


 [def´ĭ-sit] a lack or deficiency.diversional activity deficit deficient diversional activity.fluid volume deficit deficient fluid volume.hearing deficit hearing loss" >hearing loss; see also enhancement: hearing deficit" >communication enhancement: hearing deficit.knowledge deficit see knowledge deficit (specify).oxygen deficit a lack of oxygen, as in hypoxia, anoxia, or insufficient oxygen delivery in comparison to oxygen consumption.pulse deficit the difference between the apical pulse and the radial pulse, obtained by having one person count the apical pulse as heard through a stethoscope over the heart and a second person count the radial pulse at the same time. Assessing the apical-radial pulse to identify a pulse deficit. From Lammon et al., 1995.reversible ischemic neurologic deficit a type of infarction" >cerebral infarction whose clinical course lasts longer than 24 hours but less than 72 hours; brain imaging usually reveals an infarct. See also stroke syndrome.self care deficit any of a group of nursing diagnoses approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as impaired ability to perform basic self care (activities of daily living) in the areas of feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming, and toileting. Related factors include diminished strength and endurance, pain or discomfort, impaired mentation, neuromuscular disorder, depression, and anxiety. The defining characteristics for each functional level are readily observed and graded on a scale of 0 to 4. The suggested code for functional level classification is as follows: 0, Completely independent; 1, Requires use of equipment or device; 2, Requires help from another person for assistance, supervision, or teaching; 3, Requires help from another person and equipment or device; 4, Dependent; does not participate in activity.self care deficit, bathing/hygiene a nursing diagnosis defined as impaired ability to perform or complete bathing/hygiene activities for oneself; see deficit" >self care deficit.self care deficit, dressing/grooming a nursing diagnosis defined as impaired ability to perform or complete dressing and grooming activities for oneself; see deficit" >self care deficit.self care deficit, feeding a nursing diagnosis defined as impaired ability to perform or complete feeding activities; see deficit" >self care deficit.self care deficit, toileting a nursing diagnosis defined as impaired ability to perform or complete one's own toileting activities; see deficit" >self care deficit.speech deficit speech disorder" >speech disorder; see also enhancement: speech deficit" >communication enhancement: speech deficit.visual deficit partial or complete blindness; see enhancement: visual deficit" >communication enhancement: visual deficit.

pulse def·i·cit

1. the absence of palpable pulse waves in a peripheral artery for one or more heart beats, as is often seen in atrial fibrillation; 2. the number of such missing pulse waves (usually expressed as heart rate minus pulse rate per minute).

pulse def·i·cit

(pŭls def'i-sit) 1. The absence of palpable pulse waves in a peripheral artery for one or more heartbeats, as is often seen in atrial fibrillation; the condition indicates lack of peripheral perfusion. 2. The number of such missing pulse waves (usually expressed as heart rate minus pulse rate per minute).