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DictionarySeecystMedicalSeeFOLLICULAR CYST: Follicular cysts seen on ultrasonography of the thyroid gland.follicular cystA cyst arising from a follicle, as a follicular cyst of the thyroid gland, the ovary, or a forming tooth. Synonym: dentigerous cyst See: illustrationganglion cystganglion (2)Gartner cyst See: Gartner cystGorlin cyst See: Gorlin cysthydatid cystA cyst formed by the growth of the larval form of Echinococcus granulosus, usually in the liver. Synonym: echinococcus cystimplantation cystA cyst resulting from displacement of portions of the epidermis, as may occur in injuries.intraligamentary cystA cystic formation between the layers of the broad ligament.involutional cystA cyst occurring in the normal involution of an organ or structure, as in the mammary gland.keratin cystA cyst containing keratin.cysts of liverSimple cysts, usually small and single; or hydatid cysts; or cysts associated with cystic disease of the liver, a rare condition usually associated with congenital cystic kidneys. See: Echinococcus granulosus; hydatidmeibomian cystChalazion.meniscus cystA fluid-filled cyst often associated with a degenerative horizontal meniscal tear, more frequently seen in the lateral meniscus of the knee. This ganglion-like cyst may present with a palpable mass at the joint line of the knee and can be visualized by magnetic resonance imaging. morgagnian cyst See: Morgagni, Giovanni BMorgagni cyst See: Morgagni, Giovanni Bmother cystA hydatid cyst enveloping smaller ones. mucous cystA retention cyst composed of mucus. nabothian cystA cyst caused by closure of the ducts of the nabothian glands in the uterine cervix as a result of chronic cervicitis. odontogenic cystA cyst associated with the teeth, such as a dentigerous or radicular cyst.ovarian cystA fluid-filled cyst that develops in the ovary and consists of one or more chambers. The main types of cysts are follicular cysts, the corpus luteum, teratoma, and endometrioma. The patient's primary complaint is generally pelvic pain or pain during intercourse. The cysts may be palpated during bimanual examination but are diagnosed by ultrasound. Many cysts resolve spontaneously. Although nonmalignant, the cyst may have to be removed surgically because of twisting of the pedicle, which causes gangrene, or because of pressure. See: polycystic ovary syndromeparasitic cystA cyst enclosing the larval form of certain parasites, such as the cysticercus or hydatid of tapeworms or the larva of certain nematodes, i.e., Trichinella. parovarian cystA cyst of the parovarium.periapical cystRadicular cyst.pilar cystAn epithelial cyst with a wall that resembles the follicular epithelium. It is filled with a homogeneous mixture of keratin and lipid. Synonym: trichilemma cystpilonidal cystA cyst most often in the sacrococcygeal region, usually at the upper end of the intergluteal cleft. It is due to a developmental defect that permits epithelial tissue to be trapped below the skin or may be acquired. This type of cyst may become symptomatic in early adulthood when an infected draining sinus forms. Synonym: pilonidal fistulapopliteal cystBaker cyst.porencephalic cystAn anomalous cavity of the brain that communicates with the ventricular system.proliferative cystA cyst lined with epithelium that proliferates, forming projections that extend into the cavity of the cyst. radicular cystA necrotic, inflammatory cyst that develops at the root of a nonvital tooth. The cyst is attached to the root of the tooth and may be lateral to it if the cyst is associated with a lateral pulp canal. Synonym: periapical cyst; root-end cystretention cystA cyst retaining the secretion of a gland, as in a mucous or sebaceous cyst.root-end cystRadicular cyst.sebaceous cystEpidermoid cyst.seminal cystA cyst of the epididymis, ductus deferens, or other sperm-carrying ducts that contain semen.suprasellar cystA cyst of the hypophyseal stalk just above the floor of the sella turcica. Its wall is frequently calcified or ossified. synovial cystAccumulation of synovia in a bursa, synovial crypt, or sac of a synovial hernia, causing a tumor.theca-lutein cystBenign enlargement of the Graafian follicle, typically occurring in pregnancies (particularly in multiple pregnancies) or in other conditions that cause markedly elevated levels of serum human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels, e.g., molar pregnancies or choriocarcinomas. Synonym: hyperreactio luteinalistrichilemma cystPilar cyst.tubo-ovarian cystAn ovarian cyst that ruptures into the lumen of an adherent uterine tube.unilocular cystA cyst containing only one cavity. vaginal cystA cyst in the vagina.vitelline cystA congenital cyst of the gastrointestinal canal. Lined with ciliated epithelium, it is the remains of the omphalomesenteric duct. wolffian cystA cyst lying in one of the broad ligaments of the uterus.illustrationcyst An abnormal, usually spherical, walled cavity filled with secreted fluid or semi-solid matter derived from the cyst itself. Most cysts are benign but a few are malignant. Retention cysts may form when the outlet of normal glands become blocked. Sebaceous cysts and eyelid MEIBOMIAN CYSTS are of this type.cyst - a bladder or bag-like structure that may contain the resting stage of an organism. Many groups or organisms have encysted stages, e.g. protozoans, nematodes, flukes, tapeworms.
- a MORBID structure arising as an outgrowth of the skin, such as a sebaceous cyst, usually arising from a blocked duct, or an internal growth, for example, an ovarian cyst.
CystA protective sac that includes either fluid or the cell of an organism. The cyst enables many organisms to survive in the environment for long periods of time without need for food or water.Mentioned in: Antiacne Drugs, Breast Ultrasound, Cryptosporidiosis, Cyclosporiasis, Echinococcosis, Goiter, Laparoscopy, Oligomenorrhea, Oophorectomy, Oral Contraceptives, Parathyroid Scan, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosiscyst (sist) An abnormal sac containing gas, fluid, or a semisolid material, with a membranous lining. [G. kystis, bladder]Patient discussion about CystQ. What is ovarian cyst and why is it painful? Is that pathological? Dangerous? Need information please. A. don’t worry- ovarian cyst is usually a natural thin. It shouldn’t be of a problem. And if you need to hear it from a gynecologist: http://www.5min.com/Video/Menstrual-Pains-and-Cysts-2374793
Q. What is the treatment for an arachnoid cyst? My 15 year old son has just been diagnosed with an arachnoid cyst. What is the treatment? Is an operation necessary?A. An operation is not always necessary, it depends on the size and location of the cyst. I suggest you take your son to a neurologist or a neurosurgeon for further consult. Q. What is pilonidal cyst? A. very true, here is another site that may help you too: http://www.mayoclinic.com/print/pilonidal-cyst/DS00747/DSECTION=all&METHOD=print More discussions about Cyst">Cyst thyroid gland." href="javascript:eml2('davisTab', 'c67.jpg')"> FOLLICULAR CYST: Follicular cysts seen on ultrasonography of the thyroid gland.follicular cystA cyst arising from a follicle, as a follicular cyst of the thyroid gland, the ovary, or a forming tooth. Synonym: dentigerous cyst See: illustrationganglion cystganglion (2)Gartner cyst See: Gartner cystGorlin cyst See: Gorlin cysthydatid cystA cyst formed by the growth of the larval form of Echinococcus granulosus, usually in the liver. Synonym: echinococcus cystimplantation cystA cyst resulting from displacement of portions of the epidermis, as may occur in injuries.intraligamentary cystA cystic formation between the layers of the broad ligament.involutional cystA cyst occurring in the normal involution of an organ or structure, as in the mammary gland.keratin cystA cyst containing keratin.cysts of liverSimple cysts, usually small and single; or hydatid cysts; or cysts associated with cystic disease of the liver, a rare condition usually associated with congenital cystic kidneys. See: Echinococcus granulosus; hydatidmeibomian cystChalazion.meniscus cystA fluid-filled cyst often associated with a degenerative horizontal meniscal tear, more frequently seen in the lateral meniscus of the knee. This ganglion-like cyst may present with a palpable mass at the joint line of the knee and can be visualized by magnetic resonance imaging. morgagnian cyst See: Morgagni, Giovanni BMorgagni cyst See: Morgagni, Giovanni Bmother cystA hydatid cyst enveloping smaller ones. mucous cystA retention cyst composed of mucus. nabothian cystA cyst caused by closure of the ducts of the nabothian glands in the uterine cervix as a result of chronic cervicitis. odontogenic cystA cyst associated with the teeth, such as a dentigerous or radicular cyst.ovarian cystA fluid-filled cyst that develops in the ovary and consists of one or more chambers. The main types of cysts are follicular cysts, the corpus luteum, teratoma, and endometrioma. The patient's primary complaint is generally pelvic pain or pain during intercourse. The cysts may be palpated during bimanual examination but are diagnosed by ultrasound. Many cysts resolve spontaneously. Although nonmalignant, the cyst may have to be removed surgically because of twisting of the pedicle, which causes gangrene, or because of pressure. See: polycystic ovary syndromeparasitic cystA cyst enclosing the larval form of certain parasites, such as the cysticercus or hydatid of tapeworms or the larva of certain nematodes, i.e., Trichinella. parovarian cystA cyst of the parovarium.periapical cystRadicular cyst.pilar cystAn epithelial cyst with a wall that resembles the follicular epithelium. It is filled with a homogeneous mixture of keratin and lipid. Synonym: trichilemma cystpilonidal cystA cyst most often in the sacrococcygeal region, usually at the upper end of the intergluteal cleft. It is due to a developmental defect that permits epithelial tissue to be trapped below the skin or may be acquired. This type of cyst may become symptomatic in early adulthood when an infected draining sinus forms. Synonym: pilonidal fistulapopliteal cystBaker cyst.porencephalic cystAn anomalous cavity of the brain that communicates with the ventricular system.proliferative cystA cyst lined with epithelium that proliferates, forming projections that extend into the cavity of the cyst. radicular cystA necrotic, inflammatory cyst that develops at the root of a nonvital tooth. The cyst is attached to the root of the tooth and may be lateral to it if the cyst is associated with a lateral pulp canal. Synonym: periapical cyst; root-end cystretention cystA cyst retaining the secretion of a gland, as in a mucous or sebaceous cyst.root-end cystRadicular cyst.sebaceous cystEpidermoid cyst.seminal cystA cyst of the epididymis, ductus deferens, or other sperm-carrying ducts that contain semen.suprasellar cystA cyst of the hypophyseal stalk just above the floor of the sella turcica. Its wall is frequently calcified or ossified. synovial cystAccumulation of synovia in a bursa, synovial crypt, or sac of a synovial hernia, causing a tumor.theca-lutein cystBenign enlargement of the Graafian follicle, typically occurring in pregnancies (particularly in multiple pregnancies) or in other conditions that cause markedly elevated levels of serum human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels, e.g., molar pregnancies or choriocarcinomas. Synonym: hyperreactio luteinalistrichilemma cystPilar cyst.tubo-ovarian cystAn ovarian cyst that ruptures into the lumen of an adherent uterine tube.unilocular cystA cyst containing only one cavity. vaginal cystA cyst in the vagina.vitelline cystA congenital cyst of the gastrointestinal canal. Lined with ciliated epithelium, it is the remains of the omphalomesenteric duct. wolffian cystA cyst lying in one of the broad ligaments of the uterus.illustrationcyst An abnormal, usually spherical, walled cavity filled with secreted fluid or semi-solid matter derived from the cyst itself. Most cysts are benign but a few are malignant. Retention cysts may form when the outlet of normal glands become blocked. Sebaceous cysts and eyelid MEIBOMIAN CYSTS are of this type.cyst - a bladder or bag-like structure that may contain the resting stage of an organism. Many groups or organisms have encysted stages, e.g. protozoans, nematodes, flukes, tapeworms.
- a MORBID structure arising as an outgrowth of the skin, such as a sebaceous cyst, usually arising from a blocked duct, or an internal growth, for example, an ovarian cyst.
CystA protective sac that includes either fluid or the cell of an organism. The cyst enables many organisms to survive in the environment for long periods of time without need for food or water.Mentioned in: Antiacne Drugs, Breast Ultrasound, Cryptosporidiosis, Cyclosporiasis, Echinococcosis, Goiter, Laparoscopy, Oligomenorrhea, Oophorectomy, Oral Contraceptives, Parathyroid Scan, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosiscyst (sist) An abnormal sac containing gas, fluid, or a semisolid material, with a membranous lining. [G. kystis, bladder]Patient discussion about CystQ. What is ovarian cyst and why is it painful? Is that pathological? Dangerous? Need information please. A. don’t worry- ovarian cyst is usually a natural thin. It shouldn’t be of a problem. And if you need to hear it from a gynecologist: http://www.5min.com/Video/Menstrual-Pains-and-Cysts-2374793
Q. What is the treatment for an arachnoid cyst? My 15 year old son has just been diagnosed with an arachnoid cyst. What is the treatment? Is an operation necessary?A. An operation is not always necessary, it depends on the size and location of the cyst. I suggest you take your son to a neurologist or a neurosurgeon for further consult. Q. What is pilonidal cyst? A. very true, here is another site that may help you too: http://www.mayoclinic.com/print/pilonidal-cyst/DS00747/DSECTION=all&METHOD=print More discussions about CystAcronymsSeeUBC |