Pinelands National Reserve

Pinelands National Reserve

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / Affiliated AreasAddress:c/o New Jersey Pinelands Commission
15 Springfield Rd, PO Box 7
New Lisbon, NJ 08064

Size: 1,164,025 acres (7.8% federal).
Established: Authorized on November 10, 1978, as the nation's first nationalreserve. Designated a Biosphere Reserve in 1983. Protected by state andfederal legislation through management by local, state, and federalgovernments and the private sector.
Location:In southern New Jersey. It represents 22% of the state's total land area and includes portions of seven counties (Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Ocean), and all or parts of 56 municipalities.
Facilities:Public recreation facilities are provided within state parks and forests.
Activities:Camping, hiking, fishing, boating, horseback riding, sightseeing.
Special Features:This area, which is the largest essentially undeveloped tract on theEastern seaboard, is a unique ecosystem of historic villages and berryfarms amid vast oak-pine forests, extensive wetlands, and diversespecies of plants and animals.

See other parks in New Jersey.