

(pin'ē-ō-blas-tō'mă), A poorly differentiated tumor of the pineal gland most frequently occurring in the first 3 decades of life consisting of small cells with a scant amount of cytoplasm and often forming pseudorosettes; histologically resembles a medulloblastoma; a type of primitive neuroectodermal tumor. [pineal + G. blastos, germ, + -oma, tumor]


(pin'ē-ō-blas-tō'mă) A poorly differentiated tumor of the pineal gland consisting of small cells with a scant amount of cytoplasm and often forming pseudorosettes. [pineal + G. blastos, germ, + -oma, tumor]


(pin?e-o-blas-to'ma) [L. pineus, of the pine, + Gr. blastos, germ, + oma, tumor] A malignant tumor of the pineal gland that may occur in childhood and early adulthood. Synonym: pinealoblastoma