transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease

transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease

Immunology A type of GVHD in which immunocompetent T cells administered during a transfusion to a recipient and attack the recipient's immune system Risk factors Poorly defined; may include BM graft recipients and Pts immunocompromised by chemotherapy or malignancy Clinical Fever,
skin rash, diarrhea, liver dysfunction–abnormal LFTs, severe pancytopenia Prevention Gamma irradiation of blood products with 15-25 Gy–1500–2500 rad; up to 50 Gy can be used for most blood products; the onset of TAGVHD is early–10-12 days, often accompanied by BM aplasia, poor response to immunosuppression, postoperative erythroderma, 90% mortality