transfusion trigger

transfusion trigger

Transfusion threshold Transfusion medicine The Hct and Hb values at or below which packed red cells are usually ordered for transfusion by a clinician; the most widely used current TT is a Hb of 70 g/L, after an NIH consensus = conference; lower TTs–eg, transfusion at 7g Hb, have better outcomes–eg, ↓ MIs and ↓ pulmonary edema 'Prophylactic' platelet TT Stable Pts < 5 x 109, Pts with recent hemorrhage and/or temperature ≥ 38.5º C < 10 x 109, Pts with significant coagulopathy, anatomic lesion(s), or heparin therapy < 20 x 109 'Therapeutic' platelet TT Active hemorrhage or scheduled invasive procedure < 50 x 109, hemorrhage and/or thrombocytopenia, prn

transfusion trigger

A colloquial term for the point at which the risks associated with low hematocrit or hemoglobin levels outweigh the risks of adverse reactions associated with a blood transfusion.

Patient care

The concept of a transfusion trigger is controversial. Some medical authorities recommend transfusions only for patients who are actively compromised by bleeding rather than to adjust for specific levels of hemoglobin or hematocrit. Risks also include those associated with infectious diseases.