

T0317900 (trăns-fyo͞oz′)tr.v. trans·fused, trans·fus·ing, trans·fus·es 1. To pour (something) out of one vessel into another.2. To cause to be instilled or imparted: transfused a love of learning to her children.3. To diffuse through; permeate: a glade that was transfused with sunlight.4. Medicine To administer a transfusion of or to: transfuse blood into a patient; transfuse a patient.
[Middle English transfusen, to transmit, from Latin trānsfundere, trānsfūs-, to transfuse : trāns-, trans- + fundere, to pour; see gheu- in Indo-European roots.]
trans·fus′er n.trans·fus′i·ble, trans·fus′a·ble adj.trans·fu′sive (-fyo͞o′sĭv, -zĭv) adj.