


the Russian term for a type of firearm with a rifled bore, loaded from the muzzle; a forerunner of the rifle. Such weapons first appeared in Germany in the 16th century, and in the early 17th century a few were used by troops in Poland and Bavaria. By the end of the 17th century all noncommissioned infantry officers in the Prussian and Swedish services were armed with shtutsery, and by the end of the 18th century noncommissioned officers in the French armies were also so armed. Shtutsery appeared in Russia in the 18th century; they were first manufactured in Tula in 1726. Rifle battalions were established in the Russian army in 1843, and the best marksmen, called shtutsernye, were assigned six to a company in infantry regiments. After the rearming of all armies in the second half of the 19th century with breech-loading rifles, the Russian term was reserved for certain types of hunting rifles (seeGUNS, SPORTING).