Pumice Concrete

Pumice Concrete


a lightweight concrete in which pumice or expanded slag is the aggregate. Varieties of pumice concrete are named according to their use. Thus, thermal-insulating pumice concrete is used primarily in multilayer enclosing members; structural thermal-insulating pumice concrete is used primarily in solid wall panels; and structural pumice concrete is used in load-bearing elements of buildings and other structures. The bulk density of pumice concrete ranges from 500 to 1,800 kg/m3, the compressive strength ranges from 0.5 to 30 meganewtons/m2, and the coefficient of thermal conductivity ranges from 0.15 down to 0.7 watts/m3 = °K. The modulus of elasticity of pumice concrete is roughly one-half that of normal weight (heavy) concretes.

pumice concrete

A lightweight concrete that has pumice as the coarse aggregate and provides relatively good thermal insulation.