SBISpecial Background Investigation
SBIState Bank of India
SBISustainable Business Initiative (various organizations)
SBISmall Business Intelligence (Australia)
SBISiberia Airlines (ICAO code)
SBISchool of Business and Information Systems (Vocational Training Council; Hong Kong)
SBISite Build It (websites)
SBISecure Border Initiative
SBISerious Bodily Injury
SBIScreening and Brief Intervention (addiction questionnaire)
SBISmall Business Institute
SBISolutions for Business Intelligence (software)
SBISmall Business Initiative
SBISynchronized Byte Identifier
SBISound Blaster Instrument File
SBISubtract Immediate with Borrow
SBIStorage Bus Interconnect
SBISubsidiary Body for Implementation
SBIStandards-Based Instruction (education)
SBISovereign Bancorp, Inc. (Pennsylvania)
SBISociety of Breast Imaging
SBIState Board of Investments (Minnesota)
SBISite of Biological Importance (UK)
SBISmall Business International (est. 1991)
SBISouth Bend, Indiana
SBIShelf Basin Interactions
SBIStockholm Brain Institute
SBISerious Bacterial Infection
SBISchool of Business and Industry (Florida A&M University)
SBISpecialist in Business Information
SBISexual Behavior Inventory (study)
SBIState Bureau of Investigations
SBISustainable Business Institute (California)
SBISilent Brain Infarct
SBIState Building Inspector (Connecticut)
SBISmith Bagley, Inc. (New Mexico)
SBISafeco Business Insurance (Liberty Mutual Company)
SBIScience Based Industry
SBISound Blaster Instrument
SBISpace-Based Interceptor
SBIScanned Beam Imager
SBIService Brands International (various locations)
SBISpare Backup, Inc. (Minden, NV)
SBISports Business Initiative (various organizations)
SBISociedade Brasileira de Imunologia
SBISerial Bus Interface
SBISmart Bomb Interactive (video game developer; Salt Lake City, UT)
SBISwiss Banking Institute (University of Zurich; Switzerland)
SBIStrategic Business Intelligence (South Africa)
SBISurrounded by Idiots (fansite)
SBISchool-Based Initiative (various locations)
SBISpringfield Business Incubator (Springfield Technical Community College; Massachusetts)
SBIShorebank International Ltd. (Chicago, Il)
SBISustainable Business International, LLC (Seattle, Washington)
SBISynthetic Blood International (various locations)
SBISelf-Billing Invoice
SBIStrategic Business Initiatives
SBISports Business Institute (University of Southern California)
SBISystems Business Integration (Bermuda)
SBISuku Bunga Bi
SBISt. Brendan's Isle Mail Forwarding Service
SBISub- Boreal Interior (Canada)
SBISteel Boiler Institute
SBISmall Bowel Injury (medical)
SBISkull Base Institute
SBIScaleable Bandwidth Interconnect
SBISingle Burn Item (test)
SBIShort Baseline Interferometer
SBISolutions Backwards Initiative (Year Zero alternate reality game)
SBISub-Bitstream Indicators
SBIShiftwork Benchmarking Institute
SBISignificant Bacterial Infection
SBISpread-Betting Index
SBISpring Bible Institute
SBIShort Block of Instruction
SBISuspected Border Intruder
SBISide air-Bag Igniter
SBISouth-Bound Interface