Gastroenterology Punched-out lesions may be seen in the stomach by endoscopy and usually correspond to benign gastric ulcers; they are well-demarcated with a sharply-defined wall and a smooth base
Imaging Rounded, sharply demarcated, cyst-like spaces without sclerotic margins which are characteristic of myeloma of the diploë of the skull, causing sharply demarcated ‘holes’, due to osteoclast-activating factor secretion in plasma cells; punched-out bony defects also occur in well-circumscribed mutilating sarcoidosis of the small hand bones, chronic gouty arthritis as chondroosseous lesions that communicate with the urate ‘crust’ through cartilaginous defects, childhood hypophosphatasia, leukaemic foci in skull, tuberculosis
Ophthalmology Single or multiple defects in colobomata of the optic fundus, due to malclosure of the embryonic fissure, leaving a multilayered defect in the retina, retinal pigment epithelium, choroid, exposing the underlying sclera