

单词 shut



S0379200 (shŭt)v. shut, shut·ting, shuts v.tr.1. a. To move (a door or lid, for example) so as to block passage through an opening.b. To fasten with a lock, catch, or latch: shut the cabinet.2. To block entrance to or exit from; close: shut a corridor.3. To confine in a closed space: shut them in a cage.4. To exclude from a closed space: shut the cats out of the house.5. To fold up or bring together the parts of: shut the book.6. To cause to stop operating: shut down a restaurant; a school that was shut for the vacation.v.intr.1. To move or become moved so as to block passage; close: a door that shuts by itself.2. To stop operating, especially automatically: The electricity shuts off at midnight.n.1. The act or time of shutting.2. The line of connection between welded pieces of metal.Phrasal Verbs: shut off1. To stop the flow or passage of; cut off: shut off the hot water by closing a valve.2. To close off; isolate: loners who shut themselves off from the community. shut out Sports To prevent (an opponent) from scoring any runs or points. shut up1. To cause (someone) to stop speaking; silence.2. To stop speaking.Idiom: shut (one's) eyes to To refuse to consider or acknowledge: administrators who shut their eyes to pervasive corruption.
[Middle English shutten, from Old English scyttan; see skeud- in Indo-European roots.]


(ʃʌt) vb, shuts, shutting or shut1. to move (something) so as to cover an aperture; close: to shut a door. 2. to close (something) by bringing together the parts: to shut a book. 3. (often foll by: up) to close or lock the doors of: to shut up a house. 4. (tr; foll by in, out, etc) to confine, enclose, or exclude: to shut a child in a room. 5. (tr) to prevent (a business, etc) from operating6. shut one's eyes to to ignore deliberately7. shut the door on a. to refuse to think aboutb. to render impossibleadjclosed or fastenedn8. the act or time of shutting9. (Metallurgy) the line along which pieces of metal are welded10. get shut of get shot of slang to get rid of[Old English scyttan; related to Old Frisian sketta to shut in, Middle Dutch schutten to obstruct]



v. shut, shut•ting,
adj., n. v.t. 1. to move into a closed position: to shut a door. 2. to close the doors of (often fol. by up): to shut up a house for the night. 3. to close by bringing together the parts of: Shut your book. 4. to confine; enclose: to shut a bird into a cage. 5. to bar; exclude: They shut him from their circle. 6. to cause to end or suspend operations: shutting the office for two weeks. 7. to bolt; fasten. v.i. 8. to become shut or closed; close. 9. shut down, a. to settle over a place so as to envelop or darken: The fog shut down rapidly. b. to cease or suspend operation. 10. shut in, a. to enclose. b. to confine, as from illness. 11. shut off, a. to stop the passage of. b. to isolate; separate. 12. shut out, a. to keep from entering; exclude. b. to hide from view. c. to prevent (an opponent or opposing team) from scoring. 13. shut up, a. to imprison; confine. b. to close entirely. c. to stop talking; become silent. d. to stop (someone) from talking; silence. adj. 14. closed; fastened up: a shut door. n. 15. the act or time of shutting. Idioms: shut one's eyes to, to refuse to acknowledge; disregard; ignore. [before 1000; Middle English schutten, Old English scyttan to bolt (a door), akin to shoot1]


  1. Closed [a newspaper] up like a surgeon closing an incision above an inoperable truth —Elizabeth Spencer
  2. The door is closed like the shutter of a stalled-out camera —Thomas McGuane
  3. It [a door] came [open] easy … like a ghost had blown it open from inside —Jay Parini
  4. Locked up tighter than Dick’s hatband —Richard Ford

    Ford’s simile used to describe a home business that’s not open, is a takeoff on the American colloquialism generally linked with stinginess.

    See Also: THRIFT

  5. Open and shut as if cast from the shadow of a fallen angel’s wing —Anon
  6. (The elevator doors) opened suavely, like an expensive cream sliding smoothly on a flawless face —Judith Martin
  7. (Let your mind) open like a clam when the waters slide back to feed it —Marge Piercy
  8. Opens like a summer rose —George Garrett
  9. (In love we) open wide as a house to a summer afternoon —Marge Piercy
  10. (Wake up please) open yourself like a little umbrella —Donald Justice
  11. (Our room was closed off and) sealed, like a grave inside a pyramid —Yehuda Amichai
  12. [Emotions] sewn up tighter than a Victorian daughter’s drawers —Roderic Jeffries
  13. Shut down (the long Minnesota winter) like the white lid of a box —F. Scott Fitzgerald
  14. Shut firmly in like a trunk locked up when the key is lost —Eibhlin Dhubh Ni Chonnaill
  15. [Window-blinds] shut like an eye that sleeps —H. G. Wells
  16. Shut tight as a drum —Anon
  17. Shut up like a rabbit trap —Noel Streatfeild
  18. (J. B’s face) shut with a snap like a rat-trap —Gavin Lyall
  19. (A world had opened and) was closing … like a curtain being silently drawn —John McGahern


– closed">closed – shut1. 'close' or 'shut'

If you close /kləʊz/ something such as a door, you move it so that it covers or fills a hole or gap.

He opened the door and closed it behind him.

You can also say that you shut something such as a door. There is no difference in meaning. The past tense and -ed participle of shut is shut.

I shut the door quietly.

Both closed and shut can be adjectives used after a linking verb.

All the other downstairs rooms are dark and the shutters are closed.The windows were all shut.

You can use either close or shut to say that work or business stops for a short time in a shop or public building.

Many libraries close on Saturdays at 1 p.m.What time do the shops shut?
2. 'close' or 'closed' only

Only closed can be used in front of a noun. You can talk about a closed window, but not a 'shut' window.

He listened to her voice coming faintly through the closed door.

You can say that a road, border, or airport is closed.

The border was closed without notice around midnight.

Don't say that a road, border, or airport 'is shut'.

Be Careful!
Don't confuse the verb close with the adjective close /kləʊs/. If something is close to something else, it is near to it.

See near - close


Past participle: shut
Gerund: shutting
I shut
you shut
he/she/it shuts
we shut
you shut
they shut
I shut
you shut
he/she/it shut
we shut
you shut
they shut
Present Continuous
I am shutting
you are shutting
he/she/it is shutting
we are shutting
you are shutting
they are shutting
Present Perfect
I have shut
you have shut
he/she/it has shut
we have shut
you have shut
they have shut
Past Continuous
I was shutting
you were shutting
he/she/it was shutting
we were shutting
you were shutting
they were shutting
Past Perfect
I had shut
you had shut
he/she/it had shut
we had shut
you had shut
they had shut
I will shut
you will shut
he/she/it will shut
we will shut
you will shut
they will shut
Future Perfect
I will have shut
you will have shut
he/she/it will have shut
we will have shut
you will have shut
they will have shut
Future Continuous
I will be shutting
you will be shutting
he/she/it will be shutting
we will be shutting
you will be shutting
they will be shutting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been shutting
you have been shutting
he/she/it has been shutting
we have been shutting
you have been shutting
they have been shutting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been shutting
you will have been shutting
he/she/it will have been shutting
we will have been shutting
you will have been shutting
they will have been shutting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been shutting
you had been shutting
he/she/it had been shutting
we had been shutting
you had been shutting
they had been shutting
I would shut
you would shut
he/she/it would shut
we would shut
you would shut
they would shut
Past Conditional
I would have shut
you would have shut
he/she/it would have shut
we would have shut
you would have shut
they would have shut
Verb1.shut - move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window"closesnap - close with a snapping motion; "The lock snapped shut"slat - close the slats of (windows)slam, bang - close violently; "He slammed the door shut"shutter - close with shutters; "We shuttered the window to keep the house cool"draw - move or pull so as to cover or uncover something; "draw the shades"; "draw the curtains"roll up - close (a car window) by causing it to move up, as with a handle; "she rolled up the window when it started to rain"bung - close with a cork or stopperclose, shut - become closed; "The windows closed with a loud bang"seal, seal off - make tight; secure against leakage; "seal the windows"lock away, put away, shut away, shut up, lock in, lock up, lock - place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"inclose, shut in, close in, enclose - surround completely; "Darkness enclosed him"; "They closed in the porch with a fence"
2.shut - become closed; "The windows closed with a loud bang"closechange state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"close, shut - move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window"
3.shut - prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country"keep out, shut out, excludeexcommunicate, unchurch, curse - exclude from a church or a religious community; "The gay priest was excommunicated when he married his partner"lock out - prevent employees from working during a strikeprevent, keep - stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state; "We must prevent the cancer from spreading"; "His snoring kept me from falling asleep"; "Keep the child from eating the marbles"ostracise, ostracize - avoid speaking to or dealing with; "Ever since I spoke up, my colleagues ostracize me"
Adj.1.shut - not openshut - not open; "the door slammed shut" unopen, closedclosed - not open or affording passage or access; "the many closed streets made travel difficult"; "our neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains"open, unfastened - affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed; "an open door"; "they left the door open"
2.shut - used especially of mouth or eyes; "he sat quietly with closed eyes"; "his eyes were shut against the sunlight"closed


verb1. close, secure, fasten, bar, seal, slam, push to, draw to, padlock Just make sure you shut the gate after you.
close open, unlock, unfasten, undo, throw wide, unbar, unclose
adjective1. closed, fastened, sealed, locked A smell of burning came from behind the shut door.
closed open, ajar, unfastened, unsealed, unclosed, unlocked
shut down stop work, halt work, cease operating, close down, cease trading, discontinue, wind up business Smaller constructors had been forced to shut down.shut someone off cut off, isolate, detach, separate, divorce, segregate, sequester, set apart She shut herself off from all the social aspects of life.shut someone out exclude, bar, keep out, black, lock out, ostracize, debar, blackball I was set to shut out anyone else who came knocking.shut someone up1. (Informal) silence, gag, hush, muzzle, fall silent, button it (slang), pipe down (slang), hold your tongue, put a sock in it (Brit. slang), keep your trap shut (slang), cut the cackle (informal), button your lip (slang) A sharp put-down was the only way he knew of shutting her up.2. confine, cage, imprison, keep in, box in, intern, incarcerate, coop up, immure They shut him up in a windowless tower.shut something down1. switch off, close down The rollercoaster was shut down yesterday.2. close down, shut up, put into receivership, discontinue, liquidate They've begun action to have the business shut down.shut something in confine, cage, enclose, imprison, impound, pound, wall off or up The door enables us to shut the birds in in bad weather.shut something off block off, stop, halt, arrest, obstruct, impede They have shut off all supplies to farmers.shut something out block out, screen, hide, cover, mask, veil I shut out the memory that was too painful to dwell on.shut up (Informal) be quiet, hush, fall silent, button it (slang), pipe down (slang), hold your tongue, put a sock in it (Brit. slang), keep your trap shut (slang), cut the cackle (informal), button your lip (slang) Why don't you just shut up for a minute?shut yourself away hide away, hole up, lie low, go into hiding, go underground, take cover, go to ground He had again shut himself away in his darkened studio.


verbTo move (a door, for example) in order to cover an opening:close.phrasal verb
shut inTo confine within a limited area:cage, coop (in or up), enclose, fence (in), immure, mew (up), pen, shut up, wall (in or up).phrasal verb
shut off or out
To cut off from sight:block (out), conceal, hide, obscure, obstruct, screen, shroud.phrasal verb
shut out1. To exclude from normal social or professional activities:blackball, blacklist, boycott, ostracize.2. To keep from being admitted, included, or considered:bar, count out, debar, eliminate, except, exclude, keep out, rule out.3. To rid one's mind of:banish, cast out, dismiss, dispel.phrasal verb
shut up1. To confine within a limited area:cage, coop (in or up), enclose, fence (in), immure, mew (up), pen, shut in, wall (in or up).2. To enclose so as to hinder or prohibit escape:closet, confine, imprison.3. To cause to become silent:hush, quiet, quieten, shush, silence, still.


(ʃat) present participle ˈshutting: past tense, past participle shut verb1. to move (a door, window, lid etc) so that it covers or fills an opening; to move (a drawer, book etc) so that it is no longer open. Shut that door, please!; Shut your eyes and don't look. 關上 关上,闭上 2. to become closed. The window shut with a bang. 被關上 关上3. to close and usually lock (a building etc) eg at the end of the day or when people no longer work there. The shops all shut at half past five; There's a rumour that the factory is going to be shut. 關閉 关闭4. to keep in or out of some place or keep away from someone by shutting something. The dog was shut inside the house. 禁閉 禁闭 adjective closed. 關閉的 关闭的shut down (of a factory etc) to close or be closed, for a time or permanently: There is a rumour going round that the factory is going to (be) shut down (noun ˈshut-down) 停業 关闭,倒闭 shut off1. to stop an engine working, a liquid flowing etc. I'll need to shut the gas off before I repair the fire. 關掉 关掉2. to keep away (from); to make separate (from). He shut himself off from the rest of the world. 隔絕,隔離 隔绝shut up1. to (cause to) stop speaking. Tell them to shut up!; That'll shut him up! (使某人)住嘴 安静,住口 2. to close and lock. It's time to shut up the shop. 打烊 关店(门)




  • a shut mouth catches no flies
  • an open-and-shut case
  • be shut of
  • be shut of (someone or something)
  • close down
  • close down and shut down
  • close eyes to
  • close one's eyes to
  • close the door on
  • close the door on (something)
  • could (do something) with (one's) eyes shut
  • could do something with your eyes closed
  • get shut of
  • get shut of (someone or something)
  • get some shuteye
  • get some shut-eye
  • keep (one's) mouth shut
  • keep mouth shut
  • keep one's mouth shut
  • Keep your mouth shut
  • not open one's mouth
  • open and shut
  • open-and-shut
  • open-and-shut case
  • put up or shut up
  • Put up or shut up!
  • shut (one's) ears to (someone or something)
  • shut (one's) eyes and think of England
  • shut (one's) eyes to (something)
  • shut (one's) mouth
  • shut (someone or something) in
  • shut down
  • shut eyes to
  • shut in
  • shut off
  • shut out
  • shut somebody's mouth
  • shut the door in (someone's) face
  • shut the door on
  • shut the door on (something)
  • shut the lights
  • shut the stable door
  • Shut the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • shut up
  • shut up about (something)
  • Shut up about it
  • shut up like a clam
  • shut up shop
  • Shut up!
  • Shut your cake hole!
  • shut your eyes to
  • shut your face!
  • shut your gob
  • shut your mouth
  • Shut your mouth!
  • shut your mouth/trap/face/gob!
  • shut your pie hole
  • shut your trap
  • Shut your trap!
  • shut your yap
  • shut/close the door on something
  • shut/close your ears to somebody/something
  • shut/close your eyes to something
  • shut/lock/close the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • shuteye
  • shut-eye
  • some shut-eye
  • Well, shut my mouth!
  • when one door shuts, another one opens
  • When one door shuts, another opens
  • with (one's) eyes closed
  • with (one's) eyes shut
  • with your eyes shut
  • with your eyes shut/closed



the line along which pieces of metal are welded


SHUTSuperHeroesUT (mod for Unreal Tournament)


  • all
  • verb
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for shut

verb close


  • close
  • secure
  • fasten
  • bar
  • seal
  • slam
  • push to
  • draw to
  • padlock


  • open
  • unlock
  • unfasten
  • undo
  • throw wide
  • unbar
  • unclose

adj closed


  • closed
  • fastened
  • sealed
  • locked


  • open
  • ajar
  • unfastened
  • unsealed
  • unclosed
  • unlocked

phrase shut down


  • stop work
  • halt work
  • cease operating
  • close down
  • cease trading
  • discontinue
  • wind up business

phrase shut someone off


  • cut off
  • isolate
  • detach
  • separate
  • divorce
  • segregate
  • sequester
  • set apart

phrase shut someone out


  • exclude
  • bar
  • keep out
  • black
  • lock out
  • ostracize
  • debar
  • blackball

phrase shut someone up: silence


  • silence
  • gag
  • hush
  • muzzle
  • fall silent
  • button it
  • pipe down
  • hold your tongue
  • put a sock in it
  • keep your trap shut
  • cut the cackle
  • button your lip

phrase shut someone up: confine


  • confine
  • cage
  • imprison
  • keep in
  • box in
  • intern
  • incarcerate
  • coop up
  • immure

phrase shut something down: switch off


  • switch off
  • close down

phrase shut something down: close down


  • close down
  • shut up
  • put into receivership
  • discontinue
  • liquidate

phrase shut something in


  • confine
  • cage
  • enclose
  • imprison
  • impound
  • pound
  • wall off or up

phrase shut something off


  • block off
  • stop
  • halt
  • arrest
  • obstruct
  • impede

phrase shut something out


  • block out
  • screen
  • hide
  • cover
  • mask
  • veil

phrase shut up


  • be quiet
  • hush
  • fall silent
  • button it
  • pipe down
  • hold your tongue
  • put a sock in it
  • keep your trap shut
  • cut the cackle
  • button your lip

phrase shut yourself away


  • hide away
  • hole up
  • lie low
  • go into hiding
  • go underground
  • take cover
  • go to ground

Synonyms for shut

verb to move (a door, for example) in order to cover an opening


  • close

phrase shut in: to confine within a limited area


  • cage
  • coop
  • enclose
  • fence
  • immure
  • mew
  • pen
  • shut up
  • wall

phrase shut off: to cut off from sight


  • block
  • conceal
  • hide
  • obscure
  • obstruct
  • screen
  • shroud

phrase shut out: to exclude from normal social or professional activities


  • blackball
  • blacklist
  • boycott
  • ostracize

phrase shut out: to keep from being admitted, included, or considered


  • bar
  • count out
  • debar
  • eliminate
  • except
  • exclude
  • keep out
  • rule out

phrase shut out: to rid one's mind of


  • banish
  • cast out
  • dismiss
  • dispel

phrase shut up: to confine within a limited area


  • cage
  • coop
  • enclose
  • fence
  • immure
  • mew
  • pen
  • shut in
  • wall

phrase shut up: to enclose so as to hinder or prohibit escape


  • closet
  • confine
  • imprison

phrase shut up: to cause to become silent


  • hush
  • quiet
  • quieten
  • shush
  • silence
  • still

Synonyms for shut

verb move so that an opening or passage is obstructed


  • close

Related Words

  • snap
  • slat
  • slam
  • bang
  • shutter
  • draw
  • roll up
  • bung
  • close
  • shut
  • seal
  • seal off
  • lock away
  • put away
  • shut away
  • shut up
  • lock in
  • lock up
  • lock
  • inclose
  • shut in
  • close in
  • enclose

verb become closed


  • close

Related Words

  • change state
  • turn
  • close
  • shut

verb prevent from entering


  • keep out
  • shut out
  • exclude

Related Words

  • excommunicate
  • unchurch
  • curse
  • lock out
  • prevent
  • keep
  • ostracise
  • ostracize

adj not open


  • unopen
  • closed

Related Words

  • closed


  • open
  • unfastened

adj used especially of mouth or eyes


  • closed




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更新时间:2024/9/22 6:38:28