Pinot Grigio

Pinot Gri·gi·o

also pinot gri·gi·o (grē′zhē-ō)n. pl. Pinot Gri·gi·os also pinot gri·gi·os 1. A variety of grape grown in Italy that is used to make white wine.2. A dry white wine made from this grape.
[Italian (partial translation of French pinot gris; see Pinot Gris) : French pinot, Pinot; see Pinot + Italian grigio, gray (of Germanic origin; akin to English gray).]

Pinot Grigio

(ˈpiːnəʊ ˈɡriːdʒəʊ) n1. (Plants) a variety of grape, grown in Italy for wine-making2. (Brewing) any of the white Italian wines made from this grape[Italian grigio grey]