

单词 sbt



Symplastin bleeding time

spontaneous breathing test



Temporary cessation of mechanical ventilation while a patient remains intubated with a t-tube in place. An SBT is said to be successful when a patient maintains an oxygen saturation of 88% or more; with an FiO2 of 50% or less, f/VT (rapid shallow breathing index) < 105, and a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 8.0 cm of water or less. When this occurs, the patient may be safely extubated. Synonym: spontaneous breathing trial


SBTSan Benedetto del Tronto (Italy)
SBTStaffordshire Bull Terrier
SBTSistema Brasileiro de Televisão
SBTSmall Business Tax (Michigan)
SBTState Bank & Trust (various locations)
SBTSingle Business Tax (Michigan)
SBTSmall Business Technology
SBTSiemens Building Technologies
SBTScottish Book Trust (UK)
SBTSchool-Based Training (various locations)
SBTSimple Build Tool (software development)
SBTSigns by Tomorrow (various companies)
SBTSchool of Biotechnology (India)
SBTShort Block Technologies (Clearwater, FL)
SBTSouthern Bluefin Tuna
SBTSound Barrier Technology
SBTSoftware Business Technologies
SBTSmart Battery Technology
SBTShakespeare Birthplace Trust (UK)
SBTScientific Brain Training (France)
SBTState Bank of Travancore (India)
SBTStrange But True
SBTSistema Bibliotecario Ticinese
SBTScan-Based Trading
SBTSpecific Business Tax (Thailand)
SBTSocial Benefits Tribunal (Canada)
SBTSchool Based Team (various organizations)
SBTSchool Board of Trustees
SBTSpontaneous Breathing Trial (medical)
SBTSpecial Boat Team (US Navy)
SBTSad But True
SBTScenario-Based Training
SBTSmall Boat
SBTSelf-Booking Tools
SBTSegregated Ballast Tank
SBTSequencing Based Typing
SBTSite Builder Toolkit (software)
SBTSorry 'Bout That
SBTScottish Beaver Trial (UK)
SBTS-Band Transmitter (radio)
SBTSlide Board Transfer (medical equipment)
SBTStrategic Business Team
SBTSpitzer Boat-Tail (gun)
SBTSucks Big Time
SBTSlender-Body Theory (physics)
SBTSegmented Base Tool (energy exploration)
SBTStrategic Business Transformation
SBTSelf Boot Technology
SBTSea Based Terminal
SBTSugar Board of Tanzania
SBTSpecial Boarding Team
SBTSpecial Bureau for Tides (IERS)
SBTSuper Beta Tester (Heroes of Newerth game)
SBTSystem Backup Tape
SBTSubmarine Bathythermograph
SBTSystem Baseline Testing
SBTStandard Bidding Tool
SBTStrontium Bismuth Tantalum oxide
SBTSpacing Between Turns (inductor coil loops)
SBTSymmetric Bipartite Table
SBTSmart Battery Terminal




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