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DictionarySeesignPins sign
Ew·art sign (yū'ărt), in large pericardial effusions, an area of dullness with bronchial breathing and bronchophony below the angle of the left scapula. Synonym(s): Pins signEw·art sign (yu'ărt sīn) In large pericardial effusions, an area of dullness with bronchial breathing and bronchophony below the angle of the left scapula. Synonym(s): Pins sign. Pins sign (pins, pinz) [Emil Pins, Aust. physician, 1845–1913] In pericarditis, disappearance of symptoms of pleurisy when the patient assumes knee-chest position.Pins, Emil, Austrian physician, 1845-1913. Pins sign - Synonym(s): Ewart signPins syndrome - dullness, diminution of fremitus and of the vesicular murmur, and a slight distant blowing sound heard in the posteroinferior region of the left chest in cases of pericardial effusion.LegalSeeSign |