

单词 pinus


Noun1.Pinus - type genus of the Pinaceae: large genus of true pinesPinus - type genus of the Pinaceae: large genus of true pinesgenus Pinusgymnosperm genus - a genus of gymnospermsfamily Pinaceae, Pinaceae, pine family - a family of Pinaceaepine, pine tree, true pine - a coniferous treepinon, pinyon - any of several low-growing pines of western North AmericaMexican nut pine, pinon pine, Pinus cembroides - a small two-needled or three-needled pinon of Mexico and southern Texas


pine pine pine


All pine trees are edible. The whole thing- the needles, the young tiny soft (male) cones containing the pollen, the white inner bark (cambium) can be eaten raw, dried, powdered, added to soups, sauteed, steamed or boiled. One pound of inner pine bark is more nutritious than nine cups of raw whole milk. Pine nuts are super nutritious. The roots can be eaten and the root bark can be soaked in water and the water then drank as sugar water. The resin pitch gum can be chewed like gum for B vitamins and helping lung conditions. The only thing close to a pine tree being toxic is a yew tree, (not a pine tree). It's "needles" are actually soft flat thin leaves and it has tell-tale red berries with a hole in the bottom. Anyway, pine trees are one of the best sources of vitamin C in the world. Pine needles have 300x more vitamin c than oranges- also contain natural turpentines which are really good for respiratory infections- pneumonia, bronchitis. Pine bud tea is used to expel worms, help kidneys, lungs, laxative. You can munch on fresh young needles, or make a tea from them. Despite what some people say, pine tea is no threat to pregnant women. The sticky gum-resin is a great source of B-vitamins, pine nuts are an awesome source of protein, and the pollen… well... PINE POLLEN Want serious Libido, Energy and Youth ? Look no further than pine pollen. It's a true powerhouse wonder substance… a complete food and medicine. Pine Pollen is one of the ultimate superfoods in the world. It has over 200 bioacitve natural nutrients, minerals and vitamins source in one single serving, that is completely absorbed by the human body. No other nutritional supplement can do this. Pine Pollen will restore healthy levels of testosterone (without DHT). Pine pollen powder's claim to fame is the potent androgenic effect it has on the body. It contains bio-available androstenedione, testosterone, DHEA, androsterone and a wide variety of other steroidal type substances (which unlike synthetic steroids, these are perfectly safe)! These anabolic compounds not only help build muscle mass, they keep the skin smooth and tight, maintain a healthy libido, optimize tissue regeneration, optimize breast health in women and testicular and prostate health in men, aid in the excretion of excess estrogens and speed up the metabolism to help burn off excess fat. Since it's a complete superfood, it affects pretty much the entire body... lungs, immune system, skin, kidneys, brain, hair, bones, endocrine, liver regeneration, bile secretion, heart, increases cardiovascular endurance, raises blood levels of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) perhaps the most powerful and crucial antioxidant the body makes, lowers cholesterol, spleen... all in the direction of anti-aging. Pine pollen stabilizes collagen and elastin, which make up the underlying matrix of the skin, thus preventing wrinkles. Pine pollen balances hormones. The phyto-androgens in pine pollen help to counter the effects of estrogen mimicking substances that we are exposed to more and more of like plastic bottles, food containers, body care products, cleaners, medications, plastics, dairy products and more can mimic estrogens in our bodies and lead to hair loss and Pine pollen is more stimulating and energizing than coffee without the caffeine or stimulants. It’s 30% protein. Increases sexual power in both men and women. Less recovery time from gym and less sleep. Helps nourish skin and hair, clears brain fog, removes age spots. Rutin, one of the components of pine pollen, increases the strength of the capillary vessels and helps protect the cardiovascular system, heart, blood and blood vessels. Pine pollen is 99% digestible, much more than bee pollen. Over 20 Amino Acids and 8 Essential Amino Acids Making Pine Pollen A Complete Protein: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic, Cysteine, Glutamic, Acid, Glycine, Histidine,Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanie, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine. Some people are allergic to pollen (a sign the liver needs cleaning and adrenals need rebuilding), so take a tiny bit first (1/8 tsp) and see how you react. Gradually build up as your body adapts to its potency. Recommended Usage: one spoonful twice daily. You can harvest your own pine pollen. Find out what time of year in your area the pine trees pollinate (when yellow powder coats everything). Usually mid April for northern countries. You can place the bag over the ends of the pine tree branches and gently knock the cones to get the pine pollen yellow powder to fall off into the bag. PINE, SPRUCE or FIR TREE PITCH - GUM- RESIN When a pine tree is injured, it secretes resin, which is a protective antiseptic, full of B vitamins. It’s very sticky and hard to get off skin, so it's good for sealing wounds together, and keep it sterile because it's an antiseptic. It will stick to your teeth until it dissolves, leaving your teeth white again. It can be used as glue, and can be taken off with oils or butter. It’s actually been used to seal root canals! Chew and swallow small pieces- helps bring phlegm up out of lungs (expectorant). PINE BARK has Pycnogenol- a highly active bioflavonoid. It doubles blood vessel strength, improves circulation, joint flexibility, defend collagen destruction, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, protect brain cells and slow the aging process. It strengthens the entire arterial system. Used in Europe as an "oral cosmetic" because it stimulates collagen-rich connective tissue against atherosclerosis and helps joint flexibility. It is one of the few dietary antioxidants that crosses the blood-brain barrier to directly protect brain cells. (Pycnogenol is also found in grape seed extract) PINE NUTS are an amazing food source, used by indians, birds and squirrels. Indians used pine nut soup as a replacement for mothers milk! Lost in the woods? The Eastern white pine (the one with the long needles) can help you find your way. It always has a big huge diagonal branch pointing EAST. Is the Australian Pine edible? Yes.



(pine), a genus of coniferous evergreen trees and, less commonly, spreading shrubs of the family Pinaceae. The plants range in height from 1.5 to 50 m, sometimes reaching 75 m. In young trees the crowns are conical and have horizontal branches in whorls; older trees have rounded or umbellate crowns. The bark is scaly. The sharp, green or grayish blue needles are trihedral or rounded on the back and have rough margins; they are 2–20 cm long and 1–2 mm thick. Fascicles of two, three, or five leaves are borne at the tips of short shoots; they remain on the tree for two or more years. The numerous microstrobiles are compact and yellow or reddish in color. The cones are usually 3–10 cm long (in the North American sugar pine [P. lambertiana], up to 50 cm) and 2.5–8 cm in diameter; they are pendant and indéhiscent. The scales are thickened at the apex. The seeds are nutlike and usually winged. The root system is extensive, with a deep vertical taproot and widely spreading lateral roots.

Pines are photophilic. They form forests and groves on well-drained soils and rocky slopes; they can also tolerate a marshy environment. The plants may live as long as 300 to 350 years. There are about 100 species, distributed in the forest zone of Eurasia and North America and, less frequently, in tropical mountains of the northern hemisphere. The USSR has about 12 species.

The Scotch pine (P. silvestris), a tree measuring 20–40 m in height, forms forests in the European USSR and Siberia. The leaves are in fascicles of two, and the elongate-oval cones are 3–7 cm long. The Scotch pine furnishes lumber, fuel, pitch, resin, tar, oleoresin turpentine, volatile turpentine oil, and rosin. Vitamin C is obtained from the needles, and the sawdust is used for growing fodder yeasts. Scotch pines help to reinforce sands.

The closely related species P. lapponica grows on the Kola and Scandinavian peninsulas; the species P. pallasiana grows in the mountainous regions of the Crimea and Western Transcaucasia. P. pityusa, which is noted for its shiny reddish brown cones, is found in Western Transcaucasia. In the USSR pine species having needles in fascicles of five include the Siberian stone pine (P. sibirica), dwarf stone pine (P. pumila), and Korean pine (P. koraiensis). The Korean pine reaches a height of 40 m. Its needles are 8–12 cm long, and its edible seeds are 1.4–1.7 cm long. The tree grows in the Far East, in the mountains of Manchuria and northeastern Korea and in Japan (Honshu Island).


Derev’ia ikustarniki SSSR, vol.. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
Dallimore, W., and A. B. Jackson. A Handbook of Coniferae and Ginkgoaceae, 4th ed. London, 1966.
Mirov, N. T. The Genus Pinus. New York [1967].



pin·e·al bod·y

[TA] a small, unpaired, flattened body, shaped somewhat like a pinecone, attached at its anterior pole to the region of the posterior and habenular commissures and lying in the depression between the two superior colliculi below the splenium of the corpus callosum; it is a glandular structure, composed of follicles containing epithelioid cells and lime concretions called brain sand; despite its attachment to the brain, it appears to receive nerve fibers exclusively from the peripheral autonomic nervous system. It produces melatonin and serotonin. Synonym(s): corpus pineale [TA], glandula pinealis [TA], pineal gland [TA], conarium, epiphysis cerebri, pinus


(pī′nŭs) [L pinus., pine] The pineal gland.


Related to Pinus: Pinus pinaster
  • noun

Synonyms for Pinus

noun type genus of the Pinaceae: large genus of true pines


  • genus Pinus

Related Words

  • gymnosperm genus
  • family Pinaceae
  • Pinaceae
  • pine family
  • pine
  • pine tree
  • true pine
  • pinon
  • pinyon
  • Mexican nut pine
  • pinon pine
  • Pinus cembroides




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