Sovetskaia Kultura

Sovetskaia Kul’tura


(Soviet Culture), a newspaper of the Central Committee of the CPSU, founded in 1973. Sovetskaia kul’tura is published in Moscow twice a week and consists of eight pages. From 1953 to 1972 a newspaper bearing the same name was published by the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Cultural Workers.

Sovetskaia kul’tura publicizes the achievements of the USSR in developing communist culture and propagandizes the principles of socialist realism in art. It opposes subjectivism in art and alien ideological and aesthetic influences on culture. The major sections of the newspaper deal with the party upbringing of cultural workers, theater and cinema, the fine arts, music, dance, television and radio, publishing and printing, the work of creative associations and cultural-education institutions, folk arts and crafts, and the importance of culture in everyday life. Circulation, 400,000 (1975).