Sovetskaia Torgovlia

Sovetskaia Torgovlia


(Soviet Trade), a monthly scholarly economics journal of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR. Published in Moscow since 1927, the journal was called Voprosy torgovli (Problems of Trade) until 1930. It was called Sovetskaia torgovlia from 1931 to 1937 and Voprosy sovetskoi torgovli (Problems of Soviet Trade) from 1938 to 1940. It assumed the name Sovetskaia torgovlia once again in early 1941. Publication of the journal was suspended in July 1941 and resumed in 1952.

Sovetskaia torgovlia deals with current problems of the economics, organization, and techniques of wholesale and retail state trade. It publishes reviews of books and brochures about trade and articles on the development of trade in socialist and capitalist countries. Circulation, 124,000 (1975).

Sovetskaia Torgovlia


(Soviet Trade), a Soviet newspaper; organ of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers in State Trade and Consumers’ Cooperatives and of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR. Founded in Moscow in 1926, the newspaper was called Kooperativnaia zhizn’ (Cooperative Life) until 1931. It was renamed Snabzhenie, kooperatsiia i torgovlia (Supply, the Cooperative, and Trade) in February 1931 and assumed its present name in September 1934. The newspaper was not published from June 1941 to October 1953. Since November 1953 it has come out three times a week.

Sovetskaia torgovlia deals with the development of state trade, the food-service industry, consumers’ cooperatives, and the work of trade union organizations in the field of Soviet trade. It also carries advertisements of consumer goods. The newspaper is published in Moscow and printed from matrices in 13 cities of the USSR. Circulation, 1.24 million (1975).