Sovetskii Patriot

Sovetskii Patriot


(The Soviet Patriot), a Soviet newspaper; organ of the Central Committee of the All-Union Voluntary Society to Aid the Army, Air Force, and Navy (DOSAAF SSSR). Sovetskii patriot is published semiweekly in Moscow. The first issue of the newspaper came out May 10, 1927, under the name Na strazhe (On Guard). The newspaper discontinued publication in October 1941 and was next published on Feb. 21,1942, as Voennoe obuchenie (Military Training). In June 1942 it was renamed Patriot Rodiny (Patriot of the Motherland). After suspending publication in April 1953, it was revived on Apr. 1,1956, as Sovetskii patriot.

The newspaper deals with the practical work of the regional organizations and committees of the DOSAAF SSSR, the elementary military training of young people, and military-applied sports. It promotes the heroic traditions of the Soviet Armed Forces, acquaints its readers with life in the army and navy, and conducts searches for military heroes of the war to make their names known to a broad readership. The newspaper also publishes literary works on military and patriotic themes. Circulation, approximately 500,000 (1975).