Sovetskii Voin

Sovetskii Voin


(Soviet Serviceman), a social, political, literary, and art journal of the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet Army and Navy. Founded by the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, it began publication in Moscow in April 1919 under the title Krasnoarmeets (Red Army Soldier); the current title has been used since 1947.

The tasks of the journal are the political, military, cultural, and aesthetic education of the servicemen of the Soviet armed forces and young people of predraft age. Sovetskii voin publishes reportage, essays, articles, short stories, novellas, poems, reproductions of paintings and prints, and photographs by masters of art photography. It also publishes discussions on literature, art, sports, and international events. The journal was awarded the Order of the Red Star in 1944.