Sovetskoe Gosudarstvo I Pravo
Sovetskoe Gosudarstvo I Pravo
(Soviet State and Law), a monthly journal, the organ of the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Sovetskoe gosu-darstvo i pravo was published in Moscow from 1927 under the title Revoliutsiia prava (Revolution in the Law); it assumed its present title in 1939.
Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo is the leading theoretical publication of Soviet legal science. It presents theoretical considerations of problems of socialist statehood, democracy, law, and legality. It also contributes to the scientific bases necessary for the improvement of legislation and to the structure and methods by which the state apparatus operates. It makes proposals for improved legal regulation of economic activity, for environmental protection, and for crime prevention and eradication. The journal contains information on scientific research and summarizes the practices of state, judicial, procuratorial-investigatory, and economic bodies. It comments on the experiences of the fraternal socialist countries with respect to the development of the state and the law and on legal questions with respect to political and economic cooperation among the socialist countries. In addition, it devotes attention to research on the contemporary state and the law in the capitalist and developing countries and on problems of international law. Finally, the journal carries forward the struggle against the political and legal ideology of the bourgeoisie and revisionists. The journal has been awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. Circulation, more than 55,000 (1978).