Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia

Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia


(Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya), a workers’ party in Catalonia and an autonomous organization in the Communist Party of Spain.

The Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia was formed on July 23, 1936, as the result of a merger of the Communist Party of Catalonia, the Catalonian Federation of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, the Socialist Union of Catalonia, and the Catalonian Proletarian Party. During the National Revolutionary War of 1936–39 (Spanish Civil War) the party was part of the Catalonian autonomous government of the Popular Front and played a large role in mobilizing the forces of the Catalonian people to resist fascism. After the victory of Franco’s forces in 1939 the Party was banned. After Franco’s death in November 1975 it renewed its activity. It publishes the newspaper Trebal and the journal Horitzons. [18–757–3; updated]