augmentation mammaplasty


 [mam´ah-plas″te] plastic surgery of the breast; called also mammoplasty.augmentation mammaplasty plastic surgery to increase the size of the female breast, or sometimes to uplift pendulous breasts. It can be done for purely cosmetic purposes, as when a woman wants larger breasts, or following mastectomy to replace surgically removed tissue (see reconstructive mammaplasty).reconstructive mammaplasty breast reconstruction after mastectomy, done as an alternative to breast forms and specially designed brassieres to achieve a more normal appearance of the breast. If this procedure is chosen, it is usually considered to be just one stage in the total plan of treatment for breast cancer. It has both a psychologic and physiologic impact on the patient. Criteria used to determine whether reconstructive surgery is appropriate postmastectomy include the amount of tissue remaining after mastectomy, e.g., pectoral muscles, skin, and nipple; the probability of recurrent metastatic disease; appearance and size of the unoperated breast; and size and angle of the mastectomy scar. Adjuvant cancer therapy with radiation does not necessarily preclude additional plastic breast surgery.reduction mammaplasty plastic surgery to reduce the size of the female breast. Physical and psychological problems that may be amenable to this include fatigue or a dragging sensation caused by the weight of the breasts, breast tenderness and discomfort, and difficulty obtaining adequate support even with a sturdy brassiere. Psychological stress can result from embarrassment over deep grooves created by the shoulder straps of brassieres, fear of ridicule, and difficulty in finding suitable clothing. Reduction mammaplasty usually involves removal of excess breast tissue by way of a curved incision under the breast. The skin is pulled taut and the nipple transplanted to its normal position in the center of the newly formed breast. After surgery the patient may need help in adjusting to a new body image. If she is of childbearing age she should be informed that normal lactation is no longer possible after this procedure.

aug·men·ta·tion mam·ma·plas·ty

plastic surgery to enlarge the breast, often by insertion of an implant.

augmentation mammaplasty

(ôg′mĕn-tā′shən)n. Plastic surgery to enlarge the breast, often by insertion of an implant.

augmentation mammoplasty

Any surgical procedure (usually elective) that increases breast size.
Capsule contraction (20% of cases), haematoma, infection, implant exposure, deflation or rupture of implant, breast asymmetry, external scars.
A procedure for enlarging breasts that are small, underdeveloped, or involuted post-partum or post-lactation
Method Surgical insertion of prosthetic implants—containing saline—behind each breast. An incision is made either under the breast, around the areola or in the axilla/armpit, and a pocket is created for the implant either behind the breast or muscle between the breast and chest wall
Average cost—US $4,000-10,000

aug·men·ta·tion mam·ma·plas·ty

(awg'men-tā'shŭn mam'ă-plas-tē) Plastic surgery to enlarge the breast, often by insertion of an implant.