释义 |
Scala (ˈskaːla) n (Placename) See La ScalaScala
Scala(SCAlable LAnguage) A Java-like programming language that compiles into bytecode and runs in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Developed by Martin Odersky at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and released in 2003, Scala also runs on the Android OS. Scala incorporates functional programming, whereby code is written in expressions.scala
scala [ska´lah] (L.) a ladderlike structure, especially any of various passages of the cochlea.scala me´dia cochlear duct.scala tym´pani the part of the cochlea below the spiral lamina.scala vesti´buli the part of the cochlea above the spiral lamina.sca·la, pl. sca·lae (skā'lă, -lē), One of the cavities of the cochlea winding spirally around the modiolus. [L. a stairway] sca·la, pl. scalae (skā'lă, -lē) One of the cavities of the cochlea winding spirally around the modiolus. [L. a stairway]FinancialSeescaleSCALA
Acronym | Definition |
SCALA➣Songwriters, Composers And Lyricists Association | SCALA➣Standard Compensation Act Liability Association (worker's compensation insurance; Canada) | SCALA➣Society of Chief Architects of Local Authorities (UK) | SCALA➣Student Chapter of the American Library Association | SCALA➣Smart Card Alliance Latin America | ThesaurusSeeprogramming language |