Shvetsov, Mikhail

Shvetsov, Mikhail Sergeevich


Born Oct. 17 (29), 1885, in Moscow; died there July 22,1975. Soviet geologist. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1956).

Shvetsov graduated from Moscow University in 1910. He taught there and at the Moscow Mining Academy from 1918 to 1930. In 1930 he became a professor and head of the subdepartment of sedimentary rocks at the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. Shvetsov’s main works dealt with the petrography of sedimentary rocks, stratigraphy, and paleontology (belemnites, brachiopods). In 1923, Shvetsov began teaching the first course on the petrography of sedimentary rocks in the USSR at Moscow University. He is the author of the textbook The Petrography of Sedimentary Rocks (1934), which has been translated into many languages.

Shvetsov was awarded the Order of Lenin and various medals.


Tikhomirov, B. V. “Mikhail Sergeevich Shvetsov.” Biul. Mosk. obva ispytatelei prirody: Otd, geologicheskii, 1976, no. 6.