Tubac Presidio State Historic Park
Tubac Presidio State Historic Park
Location:45 miles south of Tucson, on I-19.
Facilities:Visitor center, museum, 1885 schoolhouse, underground archeologyexhibit, picnic areas, picnic shelters, restrooms (é), multi-usetrail, gift shop.
Activities:Hiking, birding, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park preserves remnants of Arizona's first European settlement, a military fort founded by the Spanish in 1752. An underground display features portions of the original foundation, walls, and plaza floor of the Presidio de San Ignacio de Tubac. Museum exhibits highlight the contributions Native Americans, Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo cultures have made to Arizona’s development. A segment of the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail (see entry in national trails section) passes through the park.
Address:PO Box 1296
Tubac, AZ 85646
Web: www.pr.state.az.us/Parks/parkhtml/tubac.html
Size: 10 acres. Elevation: 3,500 feet.
See other parks in Arizona.