punk out

punk out

To abandon, give up, or refuse to do something out of cowardice. Tom was supposed to keep a look out while I robbed the liquor store, but he punked out at the last minute. He talked a big talk, but he punked out the moment I stood up to fight him.See also: out, punk

punk out

Sl. to chicken out (of something); to withdraw from something in cowardice. He was supposed to ask her out, but he punked out at the last minute. Come on! Stick with it! Don't punk out!See also: out, punk

punk out

1. in. to chicken out. He was supposed to ask her out, but he punked out at the last minute. 2. in. to become a punker. If my kids ever punked out and looked like that, I think I’d clobber them. See also: out, punk