

 (P) [pu´pil] the opening in the center of the iris through which light enters the eye; see also Plate 17.Adie's pupil tonic pupil.Argyll Robertson pupil one that is miotic and responds to accommodation effort, but not to light.fixed pupil a pupil that does not react either to light or on convergence, or in accommodation.Hutchinson's pupil one that is dilated while the other is not.tonic pupil a usually unilateral condition of the eye in which the affected pupil is larger than the other, responds to accommodation and convergence in a slow, delayed fashion, and reacts to light only after prolonged exposure to dark or light; see also adie's syndrome. Called also Adie's pupil.


(pū″pĭ-lō-plē′jē-ă) [″ + plege, stroke] Slow reaction of the pupil of the eye.