Soviet Sociological Association

Soviet Sociological Association


a voluntary public scholarly organization comprising academic groups and individual scholars who work in the field of sociology.

Founded in 1958, the association works under the direction of the social sciences section of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Its purpose is to help conduct work on the most urgent current social problems in the USSR and publish scholarly works by its members. The association informs members about sociological research in the Soviet Union and abroad, holds conferences and symposia, and promotes international ties.

The highest body of the association is the General Assembly, which meets at least once every four years. The assembly elects an administrative board, which meets at least once a year. The administrative board elects a presidium for a four-year term, and the presidium directs the work of the association between sessions of the administrative board. Divisions of the association are being organized in the Union republics and at major scientific centers with more than 100 members of the association. The association has specialized sections to work on specific problems.