Scala, Can Francesco della

Scala, Can Francesco della

(kän fränchās`kō dĕl`lä skä`lä) or

Can Grande della Scala

(käng grän`dā), 1291–1329, lord of Verona, the greatest member of the pro-imperial, or Ghibelline, family that ruled Verona from 1277 to 1387 (see Guelphs and GhibellinesGuelphs and Ghibellines
, opposing political factions in Germany and in Italy during the later Middle Ages. The names were used to designate the papal (Guelph) party and the imperial (Ghibelline) party during the long struggle between popes and emperors, and they were also used
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). Can Grande was made imperial vicar by Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII and participated in the struggles against the Guelphs, the papal party, extending his territories to include Vicenza, Padua, Feltre, Belluno, and Treviso. His was one of the important states of N Italy. A typical Italian tyrant, he was also a great patron of the arts and letters and a protector of Dante, who mentioned him in the Paradiso. The tombs of the Della Scala (or Scaligeri) family are among the landmarks of Verona.