

单词 scalene tubercle
释义 DictionarySeetubercle

scalene spherical triangle

scalene spherical triangle

[¦skā‚lēn ¦sfir·ə·kəl ′trī‚aŋ·gəl] (mathematics) A spherical triangle no two of whose sides are equal.

scalene tubercle

sca·lene tu·ber·cle

[TA] a small spine on the inner edge of the first rib, giving attachment to the scalenus anterior muscle, lying between and thus demarcating the grooves for the subclavian artery (anteriorly) and vein (posteriorly). Synonym(s): tuberculum musculi scaleni anterioris [TA], Lisfranc tubercle, scalene tubercle of Lisfranc, tubercle of anterior scalene muscle


(too'ber-kl, tu') [L. tuberculum, a little swelling] 1. A small rounded elevation or eminence on a bone.2. A small nodule, esp. a circumscribed solid elevation of the skin or mucous membrane.3. The characteristic lesion resulting from infection by tubercle bacilli. It consists typically of three parts: a central giant cell, a midzone of epithelioid cells, and a peripheral zone of nonspecific structure. See: tuberculosis

adductor tubercle

The tubercle of the femur to which is attached the tendon of the adductor magnus.

articular tubercle

The tubercle at the base of the zygomatic arch to which is attached the temporomandibular ligament; it is lateral to the articular eminence of the glenoid fossa, with which it is often confused.

conoid tubercle

An eminence on the inferior surface of the clavicle to which the conoid ligament is attached.

condyloid tubercle

An eminence on the mandibular condyle for the attachment of the lateral ligament of the temporomandibular joint.

darwinian tubercle

A blunt point projecting from the upper part of the helix of the ear.

deltoid tubercle

A tubercle on the anterior border of the acromium to which the deltoid muscle attaches.

dental tubercle

A small elevation of variable size on the crown of a tooth representing a thickened area of enamel or an accessory cusp.

fibrous tubercle

A fibrous tissue that has replaced a previously inflamed area.

genial tubercle

The tubercle on either side of the lower jawbone.

genital tubercle

The embryonic structure that becomes the clitoris or the penis.

Gerdy tubercle

See: Gerdy, Pierre Nicholas

Ghon tubercle

See: Ghon, Anton

lacrimal tubercle

A small tubercle between the lacrimal crest and the frontal process of the maxilla.

laminated tubercle

The cerebellar nodule.

Lisfranc tubercle

See: Lisfranc tubercle

mental tubercle

A small tubercle on either side of the midline of the chin.

miliary tubercle

A small tubercle resembling a millet seed, caused by tuberculosis. See: miliary tuberculosis

Müller tubercle

See: Müller, Johannes P.

pubic tubercle

A small projection at the lateral end of the crest of the pubic bone. The inguinal ligament attaches to it.

scalene tubercle

Lisfranc tubercle.

supraglenoid tubercle

A rough, elevated area just above the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The long head of the biceps muscle of the arm attaches to this tubercle.

tubercle of the upper lip

The prominence of the upper part of the vermilion border that represents the distal termination of the philtrum of the upper lip.


Jacques, French surgeon, 1790-1847. Lisfranc amputation - amputation of the foot at the tarsometatarsal joint, the sole being preserved to make the flap. Synonym(s): Lisfranc operationLisfranc dislocationLisfranc fractureLisfranc joints - the three synovial joints between the tarsal and metatarsal bones. Synonym(s): tarsometatarsal jointsLisfranc ligaments - ligaments that pass from the cuneiform bones to the metatarsals, the one from the first cuneiform to the second metatarsal being the strongest. Synonym(s): interosseous cuneometatarsal ligamentsLisfranc operation - Synonym(s): Lisfranc amputationscalene tubercle of Lisfranc - a small spine on the inner edge of the first rib, giving attachment to the scalenus anterior muscle. Synonym(s): scalene tubercle




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