scalenus minimus muscle

sca·le·nus min·i·mus mus·cle

(skā-lē'nŭs min'i-mus mŭs'ĕl) An occasional independent muscular fasciculus between the scalenus anterior and medius, and having the same action and innervation.


Bernhard Siegfried, German anatomist and surgeon, 1697-1770. Albinus muscle - a facial muscle that draws angle of mouth laterally. Synonym(s): risorius muscle; scalenus minimus muscle


Francis, English anatomist, 1814-1876. Sibson aortic vestibule - the anterosuperior portion of the left ventricle of the heart immediately below the aortic orifice. Synonym(s): aortic vestibuleSibson aponeurosis - Synonym(s): suprapleural membraneSibson fascia - Synonym(s): suprapleural membraneSibson groove - a groove occasionally seen on the outer side of the thorax, formed by the prominent lower border of the pectoralis major muscle.Sibson muscle - an occasional independent muscular fasciculus between the scalenus anterior and medius and having the same action and innervation. Synonym(s): scalenus minimus muscle