

(vălkēr`ēz), in Germanic mythology, warrior maidens of Odin. They presided over battles, chose those who were to die, and brought the souls of the dead heroes back to ValhallaValhalla
or Walhalla
, in Norse mythology, Odin's hall for slain heroes. This martial paradise was one of the most beautiful halls of Asgard. The dead warriors, brought to Valhalla by the Valkyries, fought during the day and feasted at night.
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. Chief among them was BrunhildBrunhild
, Brünnehilde
, or Brynhild
, mighty female warrior of Germanic mythology and literature. In the Nibelungenlied, a medieval German epic poem (see under Nibelungen), she is the warlike queen of Iceland, whom Siegfried defeats in combat and wins
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. They were usually represented as riding through the air on horseback, helmeted and carrying a spear. The Valkyries play a prominent role in Die Walküre of Richard Wagner.


warlike virgins who ride into battle to select, from the heroes to be slain, those worthy of dining with Odin in Valhalla. [Scand. Myth.: Benét, 1046]See: Female Power


Odin’s warrior maidens. [Norse Myth.: Leach, 1154]See: War